Ghana: Chief Admonishes NDC Aspirants to Conduct Decent Campaigns

The Regent of Agona Swedru, Nana Kweku Esieni V, has admonished presidential and parliamentary aspirants of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) to refrain from insults and attacks during their campaigns to canvas for votes from delegates.

He stressed that there was the need to use decent language in their attempts to win the hearts of delegates so that after the elections the party should be formidable, stronger, peaceful and united to achieve its aims and objectives.

"The NDC is in opposition and there is the need for the members and supporters at the various wards and branches to join forces and work hard to inspire Ghanaians especially the electorate, floating and first time voters to give the party their mandate in future elections," Nana Esieni advised.

He gave the admonition when the Agona West Constituency Executives of the NDC paid a courtesy call on Swedruman Council of Chiefs to introduce themselves and asked for their blessings, assistance and support in the upcoming 2024 elections.

Nana Esieni, who is also the Nifahene of Agona Swedru, noted that one out of the three aspiring candidates in the Agona West NDC, was disqualified by the vetting committee of the party, but that should not be a problem to cause mayhem in NDC.

He explained that clean campaigns were the best way to go, to enable aspiring candidates to come out with their visions and programmes that would entice the delegates to make their choice.

"The NDC can be an alternative for citizens to decide in the next elections, but infighting, bickering and internal wrangle can deny the party chance to win though traditional authorities are not allowed to dabble in active partisan party politics due to our position as custodians of the land.

"However, we can offer advice to politicians who are policy makers and implementers when it comes to governance of the country so we appeal toall aspiring parliamentary and presidential hopefuls of NDC to endeavor to use decent language in their campaigns to ensure cohesion, harmony, unity, peace and stability as they seek to lead the citizenry in the next elections," Nana Esieni pointed out.

Alex Sekormy, Agona West Chairman of the NDC, on behalf of the constituency executives, thanked the chiefs for the warm reception at the palace, and pledged to heed to the useful advice given to both executives and aspiring candidates.

He said the party had fixed May 13, 2024, to hold its parliamentary and presidential primaries to choose candidates to lead NDC in the 2024 elections.

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