Ghana: LPG Moves to Increase Membership

The Liberal Party of Ghana (LPG) is making moves to increase its membership throughout the country towards inroads in presidential and parliamentary elections in 2024.

In furtherance of that, it is being positioned to become the third force in the political scene in the country aside the New Patriotic Party (NPP) and the National Democratic Congress (NDC) through collective interest of the citizenry, help build a strong, robust, formidable and attractive party with focus on grassroots before the upcoming elections.

Besides, LPG noted that the direction the nation was heading to demanded visionary leadership who would solve challenges bedeviling the ailing economy to bring hope, aspiration, confidence and trust to Ghanaians business and investor community.

Noah Obayety Nakpatun, the Oti Regional Secretary of the Liberal Party Ghana (LPG), blamed NPP and NDC for incompetently managing the country's economy since the inception of constitutional rule in 1992.

"The only prescription now is to reject the policies, programmes and social interventions of NPP and NDC and accept that of LPG to correct their incompetence and cluelessness in handling the economy which has led to unprecedented hardships.

"The leadership of LPG can assure citizens that it is the saviour to take the nation out of the socioeconomic doldrums and after our membership drive it will become formidable, robust, attractive and poised for the electorate to vote massively for it in the next elections torescue them from the socioeconomic hardships," Mr Nakpatun promised.

He cited hikes in petrol prices, commodities, collapse of businesses including seven indigenous banks, abandoned projects, increment in transportation fares and joblessness as some of the signs that the two main parties had nothing better to offer the citizenry even though they had governed the nation for the past 30 years.

According to him, the direction the country was heading to called for rapid rescue mission which needed visionary leadership in the person of Kofi Akpaloo, the founder and leader of LPG, who was best positioned to fix the ailing economy and NPP and NDC should have remedied the situation, but they were visionless, clueless and incompetent.

Mr Nakpatun lamented that accusations and counteraccusations had become their game plan because while NPP blamed economic meltdown on Russia invasion of Ukraine as well as COVID-19 pandemic, NDC pointed out recklessness, over borrowing, fraud and corruption.

"Investment decisions and issues bordering on the cedi cannot be taken within a short time as is done by the two main parties but LPG will pay much attention to the signals of the cedi and plan along that to revamp the economy when it is able to win power in 2024," he stated.

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