Ghana: LaDMA Donates Assorted Items to Muslims

The La Dade-Kotopon Municipal Assembly (LaDMA) last Friday distributed assorted items worth GHC 170, 000 to several mosques in the municipality to help them during the month of Ramadan.

The items include 200 bags of rice, 50 cartons of milk,50 boxes of tin tomatoes, 50 bags of oil and 50 bags of sugar.

Some of the beneficiary mosques are La Muslim Community mosque, LaMother mosque, Central mosque, Tebu Mosque, Alhaji Mustapha mosque and others.

Making the presentation, Solomon Kotey Nikoi, the Municipal Chief Executive (MCE), who was accompanied by some assembly members said the items among reasons were to support the Muslims during the period of fasting.

Mr Nikoi said the assembly decided not to distribute the items to only the main mosque in the assembly for further distribution but to various mosques in order to have closer relations with the people who worship there.

He said the exercise is also to enable the assembly members the opportunity to interact and discuss directly with opinion leaders in other area on issues of great concerns.

The MCE took the opportunity to advise the Muslim community in the various mosques to be law abiding and always pray for the country and the leaders in the assembly.

Mr Nikoi asked Muslims in the area to lead a life worthy of the faith they believe in and be each other's keeper.

He said that his office is always open and they can call on him at any time to discuss matters of importance to residents in particular or the assembly in general.

Sheikh Abdul Rashid Nii Odai Atsem, La Municipal Chief Imam-La Muslim Community and Alhaji Ibrahim T. Leetei, La Dade-Kotopon Muslim Community Chief Imam and Greater Accra Chief Imam who received the items on behalf of their respective mosques, thanked the MCE and the assembly for the gesture.

While he prayed for God's blessings on the assembly, Sheikh OdaiAtsem pledged to ensure that the items were used for the intended purpose.

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