Liberia: Boakai Leadership Will Be 'Disastrous'

Former Grand Bassa County district number #4 Representative Mr. Byron Brown has warned Liberians against electing Amb. Joseph Nyumah Boakai as president, saying his leadership is disastrous.

Over the weekend, Brown told journalists that any attempt to elect the Unity Party standard bearer as president would mark the introduction of a disastrous and sleeping leadership.

Mr. Brown stated that at this critical juncture, Liberia doesn't need a sleeping president that will not prioritize the wellbeing of the citizens.

He spoke at a town hall meeting that brought together several citizens from Grand Bassa County representing the Liberty Party, Alternative National Congress and the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP).

He urged citizens and residents of Grand Bassa County to reject Amb. Boakai, referring to the former Liberian vice president as "sleeping Joe."

"Uncle Joe Boakai, one of the oldest and smartest [people], if you tell him hello he will say morning," Brown alleged.

"If he sees [a] woman, he will call [her a] man. And so, if you have a country like Liberia that's infected with lots of corruption and bad people who always want to survive in government will you elect a sleeping president? For me, I say big no," Mr. Brown stated.

"Do you want to elect a man that is very old and does not recognize people, and [doesn't] take an independent decision?" Brown asked.

He said any attempt to elect Boakai, Liberians will have a country where people will only come and dupe it.

"I have come to let you know that Cummings is the Way forward," Mr. Brown added.

The eminent son of Grand Bassa County further indicated that Liberia's problem is not about who has spent 42 years in government or who is the oldest person.

He argued that what Liberia needs is a person who knows how to manage the affairs of the country.

According to him, Liberians need a leader that has corporate leadership skills, and not Amb. Boakai who has worked in almost all of the governments.

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