Ghana: Chief Justice Inaugurates 4 Courts in Oti Region

Dambai — The Chief Justice, Mr Kwasi Anin Yeboah, has inaugurated four courts in the Oti Region to bring access to justice closer to the people, facilitate timely and effective handling of cases.

The four new courts are a High court and a Circuit court at the Oti Regional capital Dambai, a District court at Bonwiri-Fahiakobor in the Biakoye District and District court at Kadjebi for the Kadjebi District respectively.

The new courts have offices for the various departments and solar power to ensure that the courts operate smoothly without challenges.

Speaking at separate functions, Justice Anin Yeboah said the judiciary had one burning desire to make justice accessible to the people, therefore the provision of the courts in the Oti Region by the government was apt because it would facilitate justice delivery to the people in the region.

He said the provision of the courts would prevent the people in the region from travelling to the Volta Region to seek justice, and asked the people to take advantage of the courts to settle their differences peacefully rather than taking the law into their hands.

He stressed that the judiciary was committed to delivering on its mandate, a task the personnel and judges carried out effectively over the years, which made Ghana one of the peaceful countries in the sub-region by upholding the values of the rule of law.

The Chief Justice pointed out that the presence of the courts in the region, would promote the basic right to justice to all persons, which he stressed was critical to the promotion of peace and harmony to ensure the needed development.

The Oti Regional Minister, Dr Joshua Makubu, said the government was committed to the development of the region, and had taken bold steps to promote development of the area.

Dr Makubu, therefore called on the people to unite and live in peace, saying in the unlikely event of misunderstanding the parties involved should avoid engaging in violence but rather settle such cases amicably in the law court to engender peace for the needed development.

The Vice President of the Oti Regional House of Chiefs (ORHC) and the Tapahene, Okoforobour Baffour Kwame Asare II, observed that where there was justice, peace normally prevailed and urged the people in the region to use the court to address cases rather than to engage in violence.

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