Ghana: African Goju Has Bright Future - Donald Gwira

Grandmaster Donald Gwira has said that the future is very bright for African Goju, an indigenous martial arts.

Speaking at a day's martial arts seminar on African Goju recently, he said young people are being groomed to take over from the older practitioners in a bid to ensure that the sport became the acceptable form of martial arts in Ghana and replicated globally.

"We have some children involved currently and are partnering with some selected schools to introduce the sport to the children," he stated.

He said African Goju teaches young people some self-defence skills to protect themselves and their families.Over 30 children, he said were currently being trained to become African Goju champions in the near future and take over the mantle from the older ones.

He cautioned practitioners against attacks on people.

"We are not violent people; practitioners must only use their skills to protect themselves and their families while under attack, and not get involved in unnecessary fights," he stated.

"Values of discipline, humility and responsibility must always guide all practitioners because any form of indiscipline would not be accepted."

The Chief Instructor and seventh degree black belt holder said they were hoping stakeholders would come on board to develop the sport as a martial art, a style, self-defence and a philosophy using the kids who would take the sport up in future.

African Goju was formed in Ghana in 1985 by Danny Gwira, a student of Professor, Ron Van Clief, the Founder of Chinese Goju.

The sport has been around for the past 38 years and present in over 34 countries.

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