Liberia: Nimba Elder Warns PYJ, Yekeh Kolubah

An elder of Nimba County, William Kanneh, a.k.a "American", is warning Senator Prince Y. Johnson of Nimba and Montserrado County District#10 Representative Yekeh Kolubah, to desist from publicly abusing President George Weah.

He warns that the two lawmakers risk being dragged before traditional elders of the land if they do not stop publicly disgracing the President.

Speaking to the NEW DAWN in an exclusive interview Thursday, May 11, Mr. Kanneh notes that raining invectives on the President as the nation goes to elections is tantamount to promoting violence and should not be encouraged.

He maintains that if they do not stop, traditional elders from Nimba, Bong and Lofa would call them for advice.

He says such behavior against the highest office of the land sends a very bad signal to youths of Liberia that it's ok to disrespect leaders.

Elder Kanneh, who presently resides in Soul Clinic community, Paynesville, says if the two legislators have any qualms with President Weah, they should seek the traditional leaders' intervention for peaceful resolution rather than resorting to verbal attacks.

"We elected them so, they supposed to call us if there is any problem", he adds.

He observes that the Head of the National Traditional Council of Liberia, Chief Zanzan Kawah, is silent on this matter, which is not good, saying "We are not excluding Chief Zanzan Kawah, but we cannot sit and watch things go out of hand."

He calls on all those aspiring for political offices in the pending elections to promote peace and unity among their supporters in order to keep Liberia stable.

Senator Prince Johnson, who supported Mr. Weah's election in 2017, fell out with the President and has taken his MDR party to former Vice President Joseph Nyumah Boakai with its standard bearer, Senator Jeremiah Koung, now running mate to Ambassador Boakai.

Opposition lawmaker Yekeh Kolubah is a vocal critic of President Weah and is noted for publicly ranting abuses against President Weah, much to the displeasure of the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change.

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