Ghana: NFs Vow to Account for Olympic Solidarity Fund

The National Federations (NF) that are yet to account for funds received from the Olympic Solidarity Fund through the Ghana Olympic Committee (GOC) have promised to do so in the coming days.

At the GOC's congress held recently, its President, Ben Nunoo Mensah, urged the defaulting federations to submit their receipts, financial and technical reports on the funds to the GOC.

This, he said were requirements by the Olympic Solidarity. It must be accounted for before the release of the 2023 funds to the GOC, for onward disbursement to other federations.

Mr Nunoo Mensah explained at the congress that the delay by the federations was depriving others likeGhana Athletics, the Ghana Cycling Federation, Netball Federation of Ghana (NFG), Ghana Boxing Federation (GBF), and the Ghana Badminton Federation (GBF) from receiving their's to support their preparation ahead of the re-arranged African Games in Accra.

Federations failing to render the accounts include the Ghana Table Tennis Federation (GTTF), Ghana Karate Do, and the Ghana Tennis Federation (GTF).

"They are yet to provide receipts and financial reports required by Olympic Solidarity."

Reacting, the leaders disclosed to the TimesSports in an interview, the plans and preparations to account for the Olympic Solidarity Funds.

Newly elected President of the Ghana Karate Do Federation, Mr Nathaniel Johnson, told the TimesSports that the handing over notes he received from the previous administration led by Mr Melvin Brown contain some receipts for the GOC which the new executive were working on to submit to the GOC this week.

"I assumed office in February, and in the handing over notes, I have seen some receipts relating to the fund; we'll submit to the GOC, and also for them to refund to us some outstanding balances due to us."

"I discussed with the former president and he told me they were going to get other receipts for the GOC; we should be able to submit by the close of this week."

The President of the GTTF, Mr Mawuko Afadzinu, said his federation was working on their accounts to be submitted to the GOC.

"The report and accounts and everything connected to the funds are being dealt with. It would be ready soon and forwarded to the GOC."

The president of the Ghana Tennis Federation (GTF), Mr Isaac Aboagye Duah, however, disclosed that his federation had already furnished the GOC with every account concerning the fund.

"We have already submitted our reports, pictures, and retired everything related to the funds received by my federation. We did this before the president read his report at Congress, he told the TimesSports.

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