Liberia: Cummings Empathizes With ANC Partisans, Supporters

- Appreciates Liberty Party and Chairman Bility

The Standard Bearer of the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP), Mr. Alexander Cummings has empathized with thousands of supporters for enduring political persecution of being targeted, sidelined and denied employment opportunities solely because of their association with the Alternative National Congress (ANC).

"I know and empathize with the struggle each of you face in finding jobs, paying your children's school fees and feeding your families, under a kleptocratic CDC-led government," Cummings said.

He expressed gratitude to ANC partisans, supporters and sympathizers for their continuous commitment to the cause of the party and also the confidence and trust reposed in him to lead the ANC.

The commendation was contained in a statement delivered to thousands of partisans and supporters at the ANC Fifth National Convention, held in the historic city of Gompa, Nimba County over the weekend.

Cummings recalled over seven years of ANC political struggle for national leadership and said although the party has not succeeded in convincing more Liberians to buy into the vision, the ANC is more resolute than ever before, that it is the best alternative Liberia needs and deserves.

"We have been through more difficult times before, but it is our nature as Liberians to always find a way to pull ourselves up by the bootstrap and overcome our challenges," Cummings said in his statement to hundreds of partisans and supporters who attended the convention in Nimba County.

ANC supporters

He urged ANC partisans, supporters and sympathizers to remain committed to the party's cause as well as use love for country and each other as the guiding principles on which all must work to achieve the ANC goals, mission and vision for Liberia.

The ANC Standard Bearer encouraged partisans and supporters to go into the nooks and crannies of every village and hamlet, community, and city and spread the ANC message that it is the best alternative to bad governance, poverty and hardship. He appeals to all Liberians, young and old, rich and poor known and unknown to build a strong united party, both in Liberia and the diaspora, where everybody is somebody, noting that there can be no ANC, without each and every one of us.

Cummings said, following the historic Gompa City Convention, the ANC is again presenting its case to Liberians, assuring all citizens that the ANC/CPP is the best alternative Liberia deserves.

He reaffirmed the ANC's commitment to saving Liberia from bad governance by voting out the kleptocratic CDC-led government and present a lasting solution to the deteriorating economic conditions.

"We have to work with other opposition members in the spirit of unity and collaboration," Cummings emphasized. He expressed heartfelt gratitude to the leadership of the Liberty Party with special thanks to its Chairman, Mr. Musa Bility and LP executive members for mustering the courage to prevent the CPP from crumbling.

The ANC Standard Bearer reaffirmed the ANC's unflinching commitment to the CPP because according to him in union strong, success is sure and "We are stronger together."

He made a humble appeal to Liberians to kindly allow him "The Fixer to fix Liberia," where all Liberians irrespective of political and religious affiliations, or ethnicity will have equal rights and access to jobs and opportunities in Liberia.

Earlier, Mr. and Mrs. Cummings and his entourage made a brief stop across the St.John's River en route to Nimba County, where they were accorded traditional welcome ceremony by several prominent Chiefs and Elders of Nimba County and later presented him the Key to Nimba County.

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