Liberia: Legislative Staffers Decry Weah's Presidency

Hundreds of legislative staffers at the Capitol have openly declared support for the opposition Boakai-Koung Ticket chanting, "George Weah, we're tired o-o-o." The song has gone viral on social media.

The aggrieved staffers, from the offices of Senators Nyonblee Kangar Lawrence of Grand Bassa and Abraham Darius Dillon of Montserrado County and others on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, converged in the Rotunda of the Capitol and declared support for the former Vice President, ahead of elections in October.

Seeking a second term, President Weah is under pressure from the opposition as the election approaches after his first term has been marred by corruption allegations, economic downturn, disregard of the rule of law and lack of jobs, among others.

The opposition has also accused the incumbent of bringing hardship on ordinary citizens, while officials milk the national coffer hence, they are resolved in making him a one-term President come October.

But Mr. Weah is overwhelmingly confident that he deserves a second term, arguing that his leadership has done much to improve the well-being of Liberians, pointing to paved roads, and tuition-free public universities, among others.

However, the Boakai-Koung Ticket is gaining support with the two opposition senators (Nyonblee and Dillon) keen on stopping President Weah at one term, galvanizing legislative staffers to endorse the UP ticket.

A spokesperson for the staffers, Charles S. Brown, said they are resolved in making Mr. Weah a one-term President come what may.

Speaking in the Rotunda of the Capitol, Mr. Brown said staffers have been mostly overlooked by politicians therefore, they have decided to stand against a President who has deliberately failed the nation and should be booted out.

He decried government's salary harmonization program that has affected staffers thru salary reduction, coupled with increased narcotics and substance abuse, and youth unemployment.

He said these are some of the reasons why President Weah shouldn't be re-elected, and as legislative staffers, they believe the best choice for the Presidency is the Boakai-Koung Ticket because they are tired suffering.

"Today, we as Legislative staffers, Public Servants, and Civil Servants, have resolved to stand with you Amb. Boakai and Senator Koung. We apologize to you because we didn't carry you the first term when you needed us the most. Now we have realized our faults, and we will support you; campaign for you in every corner to ensure you are the next President of our Country, Brown said, as his colleagues chanted "Go Weah, go Weah, go, we're tired with the suffering."

He argued that while it is worth noting that the Constitution of Liberia clearly provides that a President may contest for second term, Mr. Weah has massively failed and should step down to give room for others who are competent to lead.

Receiving the endorsement, Unity Party vice presidential aspirant, Senator Jeremiah Koung, thanked the staffers for their support, promising that they are committed to delivering the Liberian people chest-squeezed by winning the Presidency in October.

He acknowledged his colleague, Senator Lawrence, for coming on board the opposition train, describing her as a rescued mother.

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