Liberia: PYJ Will Return to Weah

-Bangura reveals

The suspended vice chair for political and governmental affairs of the now opposition Movement for Democracy and Reconstruction (MDR) Wilfred Bangura, reveals here that MDR leader Senator Prince Y. Johnson, who has severed ties with President George Weah, will be forced to lend back his support to the reelection bid of President Weah.

"I tell you this; over the weekend the people of Nimba stood up to the senator and told him to return to the President and give his support. If he doesn't return to the President, we will not support his will. This call was made by the women, elders and cross-section of citizens" he says.

Mr. Bangura made the revelation on Friday, May 19, in the densely populated township of West Point when Monrovia City Mayor Jefferson Koijee, led an array of officials to a newly constructed sports park ahead of its official dedication held Saturday, May 20.

Currently a deputy minister in the Weah administration and an executive of the MDR, Bangura opposes the withdrawal of support from President Weah by his leader, Senator Prince Johnson which has subsequently led to his expulsion from the MDR along with three others.

The Movement for Democracy and Reconstruction through its National Executive Committee (NEC) last week expelled three senior executives, including Nimba County District # 4 Representative Gonpu Kargon, and deputy commerce minister for administration, Wilfred Bangura for allegedly violating several provisions of the party's constitution.

Both men were expelled along with Melvin L. Yealu, former secretary general for their refusal to abandon the Weah administration.

The MDR has switched support to the opposition Unity Party of former Vice President Joseph Nyumah Boakai, producing running mate for Boakai who wants to defeat Mr. Weah in October.

The MDR in a statement issued in Monrovia on Tuesday, May 16, alleged that the trio were expelled for violating Article 14 (a) of its constitution.

But Bangura is optimistic, saying "Nobody should think that the senator will not support the President, because as we speak, the elders council and citizens of Nimba County have called on Senator Johnson to lend his support to the reelection bid of President Weah."

Speaking to reporters during the visit to West Point along with Mayor Koijee, he noted that it is sickening for people to think that the people of Nimba will redraw support from President Weah on grounds that Senator Johnson has crossover to the former ruling Unity Party.

"I'm telling you the people of Nimba County are resolved to support the reelection bid of President Weah because of the many developmental initiatives carried out in the country and Nimba is no exception", he reiterates.

He terms his suspension by the MDR as being vindictive, vowing to challenge the decision, stressing that as a matter of fact, he still remains the national vice chair for political and governmental affairs of the MDR.

"Today, I'm here to support the agenda of Mayor Koijee; he had asked us to come along and we're proud of what we have seen here; this clearly suggests that the President is the people's President."

However, Bangura clarifies that his recent statement issued in Monrovia wasn't aimed at Senator Johnson, but Senator Jeremiah Koung, current standard bearer of the MDR, who he describes as a deviant character that has no history of building institutions.

"That businessman who has purchased the MDR, we are launching a campaign to reclaim our party and restore democracy in the MDR."

Let this be clear here that Senator Johnson is not the target; we have exposed that Senator Koung is a man of many contradictions and we are prepared to expose those contradictions", Bangura continues.

He calls on the people of Nimba to stand firm and stand their ground in continuously supporting the reelection bid of President Weah.

Senator PYJ thru the MDR became kingmaker during the runoff elections in 2017, lifting the hands of Mr. Weah in Nimba against former Vice President Joseph Boakai, which led the Weah-led CDC coming to power.

But the marriage turned sour at the latter part of President Weah's first term with PYJ switching support instead, to Boakai something, that Bangura, now a deputy minister, opposes.

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