Liberia: NEC Deactivates Registration of Several Fraudsters...

-Commences duplications and adjustment of voters' information

The National Elections Commission (NEC) says several duplicates and underage registrations are being detected and that the information of those involved are being deactivated pending further investigations.

The move comes as the electoral body commenced the final process of deduplication and adjudication of voters' information collected from the 2080 voter registration centers across Liberia through its Central Management System (CMS), following the completion of data synchronization from the Phase Two counties.

NEC, which is introducing Biometric Voter Registration for the first time in the 2023 October Presidential and Legislative elections said all ineligible registrants will be removed and in cases where there is/are alleged criminal motives, will refer culprits to the Ministry of Justice for immediate action.

The Commission in a statement released Sunday, May 21, promised to shortly announce the preliminary figures for the number of persons registered in the coming days.

NEC also notified the public in its release that the Exhibition of the Provisional Registration Roll (PRR) will commence on 12 June to 17 June 2023 with all 2080 Voter Registration Centers opening simultaneously across the country.

The Commission indicated that to ensure that only eligible voters remain on the voters' roll, it is important that the general public bring forward all concerns during the Exhibition exercise.

"All registered and eligible Liberians will be allowed to access the first draft of the Voter Registration Roll for verification, inclusion, and objection to information on the PRR," it said.

The Commission, in the statement extended gratitude to all electoral stakeholders, including local and international partners, the Ministry of Justice and the National Security Agencies, including the Liberia National Police and the Liberia Immigration Service, owners of properties used by NEC, all permanent and temporary elections workers and the People of Liberia for their tireless efforts and love for country demonstrated throughout the BVR process.

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