Liberia: The Opposition CPP in Liberia Is Generating Huge Excitement Over Its Vice Standard Bearer

The presumptive Vice Standard Bearer (VSB) of the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP), Cllr Charlyne M. Brumskine, is the daughter of the late veteran politician and founder of the Liberty Party, Cllr. Charles Walker Brumskine.

She is being considered for the country's second highest office, on the ticket of the CPP, the largest political formation in the country, not only in continuation of her father's legacy but in her own right as a lawyer and an enterprising woman.

If she agrees to be Alexander B. Cummings' running mate, she would be one of the very few females to contest for the country's vice presidency on the ticket of a major opposition bloc.

Those who know her attest to her firebrand and high-achiever persona and trust in her ability to fight for causes that would resonate with huge swathes of the Liberian people.

Her potential candidacy as a running mate to Cummings could set her up to exceed what her father tried to do for many years but fell short.

Huge Excitement is building for the announcement of the Vice Running mate of Cummings on May 27th.

Meanwhile, inside sources of the opposition Unity Party have privately disclosed to local media that some party executives are already regretting their ticket and complaining about the lack of stamina of the head of the ticket - a two term former Vice President Mr. Joseph N. Boakai who rarely is seen on the campaign trail.

The UP Executives who have asked for anonymity because of the sensitivity of their concerns are quite upset with the branding of their ticket and association with US sanctioned former warlord Senator Prince Y. Johnson.

He is quite elderly and is already delegating most of the time physical campaigning to his surrogates. Even more scaring is the fact that his two key supporters, snubbed Vice Presidential pick Senator Nyonblee Lawrence, and Vice Presidential pick Senator Jeremiah K. Koung, have both admitted that former VP Boakai will resume his "parked" duties while they campaign.

It these two quotes don't scare you, then you are truly ready to auction Liberia off two for five. Look clearly!! You are seeing the incoming VP & President with PYJ over their shoulders. Liberia will certainly be a pariah state.

"They're looking at the President, that's Joseph Boakai, we're looking at the presidency - that comes with a team, when you have such a team, the country will succeed. We'll tell Boakai go find a place in Lofa and go on vacation, we do not need you on the campaign trail. We'll tell him, go and wait for your induction," said Senator Nyonblee Lawrence Karngar in a boastful tone.

On his part, Senator Jeremiah Kpan Koung added, "Like she said, we'll tell oldman Boakai to sit down, we'll go across this country. Each of us sitting here knows how to campaign. We'll sleep in the car up to October 10."

Additionally, Mr. Boakai has come under sustained criticisms that he lacks new ideas to move the country forward and is yet to put forward a clear plan to provide relief to the country. Many Liberians are very concerned that voting for Mr. Boakai means putting the country in the hands of US sanctioned accused war criminal Prince Y. Johnson.

Liberia holds Presidential Elections in October.

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