South Africa: 'Unauthorised' Biography of ActionSA Party Leader Herman Mashaba Pulled Off Market - South African News Briefs - May 23, 2023

23 May 2023


'Unauthorised' Biography of Herman Mashaba Pulled Off Market

Less than a month after author and political analyst Prince Mashele's book, The Outsider: Unauthorised Biography of Herman Mashaba was published, Jonathan Ball Publishers have decided to remove the book from the shelves, reports News24.  This came after after revelations that the ActionSA leader funded the book for a whopping R12.5 million. The book was published on April 17, 2023. In a statement, ActionSA's national chairperson Michael Beaumont "clarified" that the project began two years before the party's launch in 2020. Beaumont confirmed that even though Mashaba had financed the book, he distanced ActionSA and the party leader from the book, adding that "financing a project does not provide editorial control of the content". Jonathan Ball Publishers, who had no prior knowledge of the arrangement, said it would withdraw the book from the market following the revelations.

Power Utility Eskom HQ Renamed 'MegaGravy Train Park' on Google Maps

Eskom's famous headquarters, Megawatt Park in Sunninghill, Johannesburg, have been renamed Eskom  MegaGravy Train Park on Google Maps by an unknown individual, reports News24. The renaming of the headquarters pokes fun at the embattled power utility. 'Gravy Train' is a term that refers to a situation in which people make a large sum of money for little effort. The power utility recently predicted a "very difficult winter", warning that it may have to increase electricity cuts to an unprecedented level amid the country's worst-ever power crisis.

The name of Eskom's Sunninghill head office - changed to MegaGravy Train Park by an unknown individual, May 23, 2023.

Flailing rand, Inflation Set to Drive Bigger Rates Hike - Report

The South African rand recovered to R19.25 against the dollar after hitting a record low due to concerns over South Africa's credit rating and inflation, reports IOL. This improvement was driven by relief that Moody's did not downgrade South Africa's credit rating and expectations of a rate hike by the South African Reserve Bank (SARB) to combat inflation. The rand remained vulnerable ahead of the SARB's Monetary Policy Committee meeting on Thursday May 25, 2023, with concerns about South Africa's currency and the ongoing power crisis affecting inflation and economic growth.

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