Ghana: Vodafone Director Highlights Role of HR in Tech Transformation

Hannah Ashiokai Akrong, the Human Resources Director at Vodafone Ghana, has emphasised the company's dedication to building a digital society and ensuring inclusivity.

She pointed to initiatives such as the 'Code Like A Girl programme' which imparts coding skills and work experience to girls from underprivileged backgrounds and other interventions aimed at bringing Vodafone Ghana's communities along on its transformative journey.

Ms Ashiokai said these when she shared her insights on the role of HR in digital transformation at the Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation's (CTO) HR & ICT Forum 2023.

She is a recognised leader in the HR field, and she helped move Vodafone Ghana from a traditional telecommunications company to a technology-focused organisation.

She underscored the company's transformation pillars, which include a unique customer experience, a digital and personalised employee experience, and a commitment to fostering a digital society that includes everyone.

Vodafone Ghana's transformation, she explained, was not without challenges, adding that the coexistence of new and old ways of working and interim digital skills gap were among the hurdles faced.

She, however, stated that through constant communication of the vision and strategy, engagement, and training, adapting to new ways of working, a focused reskilling and upskilling programme, the company was able to push the transformation agenda.

Her insights at the forum were met with widespread acclaim from attendees and fellow speakers.

Her presentation did not only offer a unique perspective on the pivotal role of HR in digital transformation, but also underscored Vodafone Ghana's commitment to innovation and inclusivity.

The CTO HR & ICT Forum 2023, themed "Digital Transformation: Building a future-ready HR", convened professionals from over 30 member countries and leaders to discuss various facets of business digital transformations.

The aim was to deepen understanding of the subject matter, effect change in work processes, and revolutionise the way HR manages its daily activities.

The forum served as a platform for HR leaders from various organisations to share their respective digital transformation programmes, with leading HR experts critically evaluating these presentations and sharing best-practice insights.

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