Sierra Leone: Former Skye Bank Manager, Ikubolaje Nicol At High Court

The Former Skye Bank General Manager, Ikubolaje Nicol has made his first appearance at the High Court of Sierra Leone before Justice Adrain Fisher to answer to one count of murder contrary to the laws of Sierra Leone.

It is alleged that the accused conspired with other persons unknown to murder Sinnah Kai Kargbo.

He is facing three count charges of conspiracy to murder, murder contrary to law and perverting the course of justice contrary to law.

Earlier, Justice Adrian Fisher ordered that the prosecution team properly do their application for a judge alone trial.

Lead Prosecutor for the Attorney General, GM Bockarie had earlier on Friday 19th May submitted to the High Court Judge that their application for a judge alone trial instead of a judge and jury was formal after lead defense Lawyer for the accused objected, saying that as far as procedures are concerned, there's no formal application of a motion before the court in that regard.

Lawyer Wright was concerned that all murder trials after the abolition of the death penalty has been with a jury. So, a deviation from that, he said will set a new precedent that will have serious consequences on similar cases in the future.

He said there's a palpable inconsistency in that case.

Justice Fisher ordered that the prosecution to go back and do re-application against Tuesday May 23rd and return to court on Friday May 26th for his ruling.

It was the first hearing at the High Court on the allegations against Ikubolaje Nicol of conspiracy to murder Sinnah Kai Kargbo between 15th and 16th October 2022, at Leicester in the Western Area, and fabrication of evidence with intent to pervert the course of justice.

On Monday 15th May, during the call-over to commence the May Criminal session of the High Court, the matter was assigned to a Supreme Court Judge Justice Ivan Sesay but was transferred two days later to High Court Judge Justice Adrian Fisher.

The matter was committed in March this year by Magistrate Mark Ngegba of the Pademba Road court in Freetown.

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