Liberia: LPP Condemns Unprovoked Attacks On PYJ

The Liberian People's Party (LPP) has condemned in the strongest term the unwarranted brutal attack on Senator Prince Yormie Johnson on Sunday, 21 May by the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) partisans.

Johnson was forced to abort a Church service due to the attack that has attracted widespread condemnation.

The attackers wore party regalia of Vice President Jewel Howard Taylor's National Patriotic Party (NPP) with CDC added to the inscriptions.

NPP is a constituent party of the ruling CDC. There were reports that police did not prevent the disturbance at Senator Johnson's Church.

The LPP stated that the action of the young people undermines the fragile peace in Liberia and clearly violates Article 14 of the Liberian Constitution which guarantees freedom of religion.

Article 14 provides, "All persons shall be entitled to freedom of thought, conscience and religion."

It continues that no person shall be hindered in the enjoyment thereof except as may be required by law to protect public safety, order, health, or morals or in the fundamental rights and freedoms of others.

LPP said this action by the NPP/CDC reminds Liberians of the brutal attacks by former President Charles Taylor's Police Director, the late Joseph Tate.

The statement recalled that Tate launched an attack on the Dominion Christian Fellowship located at the Saint Catholic Hospital Junction on the Sinkor Old Road in Monrovia.

"Such uncivilized and criminal conduct by the ruling party must be condemned by all Liberians," the statement said.

"Liberians are entitled to peace of mind even in the face of the hardship being experienced by them as a result of the high-level ... corruption that is being perpetrated by this government," the statement noted.

The party calls upon the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), the African Union, the United Nations, the United States of America and the European Union to intervene immediately.

It urged international partners to stop the CDC from causing violence against peaceful citizens as the country gets closer to the Presidential and Legislative elections.

"It can be recalled that it was this same lack of respect for human rights and the rule of law that led Liberia to a fratricidal civil conflict," the party warned.

It pleaded that the world must not ignore this clear early warning sign of civil conflict by the brutal attack on Senator Johnson and members of his congregation last Sunday, 21 May.

Meanwhile, the party warned Senator Johnson to be mindful of his public utterances which allegedly have the potential of derailing the peace and stability of the country, whether before, during and after the electioneering period.

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