Liberia: Bomi Citizens Express Gratitude to Western Cluster

BOMI-In Bomi County, especially Citizens in project-affected Communities in Western Liberia have thanked the Management of Western Cluster Limited, (WCL) for embarking on a number of developmental initiatives in their Towns and Villages.

With the level of development, the Citizens have expressed their delight over the improvement being done in Borbor Town and other affected Communities as well as the provision of safe drinking water.

They made these known recently to when a team of journalists visited the area.

Francis Alieu, the Development Chairman for Borbor Town in Bomi County, said, "Our hand pump is well fixed and we are happy about it."

"In addition, they fixed [reconditioned] our road to the extent that one can even be sleeping and at the same time running on it".

Also speaking, Madam Betty Z. Loman, a classroom teacher in Bola Town, Senjeh District, Bomi County commended the company.

For her part, the Chairlady of Zelekai Town, Madam Korpo Momolu commended the company for the construction of the road. "Our road is all right for now because, before then, passengers riding on motorbikes could get down off the bikes on which they used to ride because of the bad road conditions."

"But for now, no more getting down from bikes, while on your journey between Duala and Tubmanburg or Bomi County".

"Well, what I want to tell Western Cluster is thanks for what she has started and that the company should continue; they should not stop".

Commenting on the issue of hand-pump, Madam Momolu said that: "The hand-pump is now safe because, as time passed, it used to be opened, which attracted harmful substances."

"But since the renovation and fencing of the hand pump in the area by Western Cluster, the issue of safe drinking water in the area has been taken care of by Western Cluster Liberia".

Meanwhile, the Town Chief of Zelekai Town, Mr. Edwin Momolu described senior managers from Western Cluster as down-to-Earth and selfless people.

"They are not proud, they come here to me on my farm, sit with me and we discuss the needs of our town and the community as a whole".

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