Liberia: PYJ Replies Maritime Boss Nagbe

Senator/Evangelist Prince Yormie Johnson of Nimba County is fighting back here, attacking the Commissioner General of the Liberia Maritime Authority (LMA) Lenn Eugene Nagbe describing him as a very sick man who needs deliverance.

Preaching Sunday, 28 May at his Christ Faith Chapel Ministry in Paynesville, Sen. Johnson revealed that the Maritime boss and chief strategist of the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) has been sick for quite a long time and needs special healing.

He invites Commissioner Nagbe to visit the Christ Faith Ministry so that he may lay hands on him to get healed by God.

He had invited the public to attend the church as he was scheduled to deliver a special sermon under the theme: "Dull and Confused Leadership Brings Plague to a Nation" with text from Acts 20:17-35, but the service was immediately disrupted last Sunday, May 21, 2023, when youth from the National Patriotic Party (NPP) and the ruling CDC stormed the church, disrupting the service and leaving worshippers fleeing, including PYJ himself.

On Sunday, 28 May Police were deployed at the Christ Faith Ministry to avoid any disturbance as the Senator/Evangelist prepared to deliver his sermon.

In his discourse, he quickly accused the Weah administration of running a nepotism government with his officials predominantly from the Southeast where the President himself, a Kru man also hails from, leaving out the rest of the counties.

"How can we move forward with development, when we have a government of nepotism where the Finance Minister and his assistant are from Southeast, the Maritime Commissioner-General is from the Southeast, the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) Commissioner is from the Southeast, the Information Minister is from the Southeast, the Central Bank Governor is from the southeast; it shouldn't be like this", he says.

He accuses the CDC government of looting the country's natural resources, while they point fingers at people who are not in government.

Senator Johnson quickly turns on Vice President Jewel Howard-Taylor, accusing the Vice President of wanting President Weah to die so she can become President and free her husband, jailed former President Charles Ghankay Taylor, who is serving a 50-year sentence in Britain for aiding and abetting RUF rebels in Sierra Leone. Editing by Jonathan Browne

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