Liberia: SLCL Pres. Doe Writes Sierra Leone Embassy

As the Leadership Crisis within the Sierra Leone Community in Liberia (SLCL) goes unabated, the President of the Community, Mrs. Gloria Isata Sheriff-Doe has officially communicated with the Sierra Leonean Embassy accredited near Liberia's Capital Monrovia on what is obtaining in the SLCL over the past few weeks.

On Sunday, May 14 some Members of the Sierra Leone Community in Liberia conducted a leadership election to replace the President Sheriff-Doe, who in accordance with the Community By-Law has served three of her five years term after she was inducted into office in 2020.

Mrs. Sheriff-Doe's Communication sent to Sierra Leonean Embassy dated 22 May was shared amongst the Embassy's Senior Staff, including the Deputy Ambassador, Head of Chancery, Defense Attache' as well as the Information Attache'.

In her communication, the SLCL's President wants the Embassy as umbrella body for all Sierra Leoneans to intervene in the ongoing leadership which has the propensity to divide Sierra Leoneans in Liberia.

"She termed the Sunday, 14 May election process conducted by some group of individuals of the Community as undemocratic, illegal and not acceptable in any way by the majority of the Sierra Leone Community in Liberia (SLCL).

Mrs. Sheriff-Doe's Communication to the Embassy revealed that the election was conducted without the knowledge of [her], the President, Vice President, Zonal Heads, Stakeholders, Governors Paramount Chief including majority of Sierra Leoneans residing in Liberia.

Besides, being not knowledgeable about the election by titles mentioned above, she pointed out several issues that rendered that election as bogus - no laws or guidelines for the conduct of the election, no delegates or voter's registration roll was made available, they were not aware about the formation of the election commission, no time stated for the starting and the ending of the election and invitation to [her] as President was through a letter dated on 14 May 2023 to an election that she was not aware of, among others.

Mrs. Sheriff-Doe indicated in her communication that because of the constant quietness of the Sierra Leone Embassy, which is the umbrella on the ongoing SLCL Leadership Crisis, the Community in Liberia is going astray.

It can be recalled that recently, the President of the Sierra Leone Community in Liberia, Mrs. Gloria Isata Sheriff Doe, held a press conference at A.B Tolbert Road Community in Paynesville indicated that she remains the legitimate Leader of the Community in the Country.

Madam Sheriff-Doe's statement comes amidst calls by some faction of the Sierra Leonean Community in Liberia, that her tenure has since expired, thus prompting fresh election.

But in reaction to Madam Sheriff-Doe's statement, Pastor Samuel Vand Sannoh, the disputed newly elected President of SLCL said he is the legitimate President of the Community, owing to the 14 May election held this year.

Pastor Sannoh, who was the Secretary-General under Madam Sheriff-Doe, disclosed that she was not elected but was appointed to lead the Community to a leadership election after two and regrettably she has served for three years making leadership illegitimate.

He indicated that it is unbelievable for Madam Sheriff-Doe to describe Sunday, May 14 as bogus when she was part of those who set-up the Election Commission.

Pastor Sannoh welcomed the move by Madam Sheriff-Doe to go court but urged her to see the interest of Sierra Leoneans and stop planting seeds of discords amongst the Community members.

However, documents in possession of journalists from the Sierra Leone Embassy in Liberia states: certificate of winning the national elections for the Presidency of the Sierra Leone Community in Liberia awarded to Mrs. Gloria Isata Sheriff-Doe as National President.

The certificate was given to her on 17th of June 2020 and signed by Aiah Mbawa, Counsellor or Head Chancery and Eddie Massally, Ambassador

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