Liberia: Findley and Supporters Severed Ties

-Over CPP endorsement backfires

Barley few days after the endorsement by former Foreign Minister Gbezohngar Milton Findley of the Cummings-Charlyne Ticket at the Fair Ground in Buchanan, Grand Bassa County, the endorsement has backfired, ahead of the October polls.

A group under the banner 'Bassa Association for the Reelection of President Weah' terms Mr. Findley's decision to have endorsed the CPP Ticket as unilateral and selfish.

Addressing a news conference Monday, May 29, at the headquarters of the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) in Monrovia, a five-man delegation from the Association said, "Today, we have come to distance ourselves from the ill-fated decision by our former godfather, Mr. Findley that this was selfish and unilateral."

The head of the group, Mr. P. Maxwell Vah, who is an Assistant Minister for American Affairs and Mr. Emmanuel Redd, Human Resource Director both at the foreign ministry in Monrovia say their decision to support the reelection bid of President Weah is predicated upon the President's many developmental initiatives being carried out across the country.

Both men continue that their support to the President and the CDC in the pending October elections is to give back to Mr. Weah, for giving them hope, and putting smiles on their faces though they did not support him initially.

"We can't be ungrateful to the person who fed, clothed, and gave us life; we are conscious-minded people, who believe in the future of Liberia.

What our political godfather did over the weekend by endorsing the CPP standard bearer was his own personal decision and we his supporters and followers are not in line with said decision", they argue.

According to him, they have severed ties with Mr. Findley because of his alleged unilateral decision and instead, pledge support to the reelection bid of President Weah.

They note that President Weah has a track record of empowering youth across the country, evidenced by the number of young people he has brought in government.

They maintain that their focus now in the CDC is to lead efforts to give President Weah a second term victory, saying "We are the foot soldiers of Grand Bassa County; we made Gbehzongar Findley senator, and we're prepared to deliver Bassa to President Weah."

Last Saturday in the port city of Buchanan, Grand Bassa County former Senator Findley declared his support for the CPP in the pending October polls.

According to him, CPP standard bearer Cummings' nomination of Cllr. Charlyne Brumskine as running mate represents two key things for the people of Grand Bassa, saying first, it represents the commitment of Mr. Cummings and the leadership of the CPP regarding the inclusion and promotion of young people in all spheres of public life particularly, the participation of women in leadership.

Findley, also a former foreign minister and senate president Pro-Tempore, explains the second key thing about the Bassa nomination is that it represents genuine healing, noting that for too long the Bassa land has been divided along political lines, and now is the time for the Bassa people to rally around their sister, Cllr. Charlyne Brumskine, to symbolize the beginning of a united county.

"We can't no longer trust this country to people who don't have no solution for this country, now we must all unite and support our daughter of this great county", Findley urged his kinsmen.

Charlyne, 47, is the daughter of two times presidential candidate, the late Cllr. Charles Walker Brumskine, founder of the now divided Liberty Party.

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