Liberia: Senate to Summon MoJ Over Loss of U.S.$100 Million Cocaine Case

Senator Abraham Darius Dillon, representing the Liberty Party in Montserrado County, announces here that the Senate Judiciary Committee, along with the Committee on National Security, Defense, Intelligence, and Veterans Affairs has agreed to summon the Ministry of Justice and other stakeholders for a hearing on the loss of a staggering US$1 million cocaine case recently.

Addressing a news conference in Monrovia on Sunday, Sen. Dillon expressed concern about the handling of the case by the Ministry of Justice.

He emphasizes that the jury's verdict is typically based on evidence presented in court.

He believes that since the verdict was handed down, the Ministry of Justice has not accused the jury of tampering. Therefore, in his view, the government either failed to proceed properly or did not present strong evidence it possesses.

The Senator suspects that there may have been misconduct or irregularities surrounding the case, leading to the prosecution of the wrong suspects.

He expressed gratitude to majority of the Liberian Senate for agreeing to summon the Ministry of Justice and other relevant security institutions to conduct a comprehensive hearing and determine what went wrong.

"If the judge acted outside the scope of duty, potentially warranting impeachment, we will not hesitate to present a case before the House," he notes.

Dillon further emphasizes that the loss of the case, along with the associated evidence and individuals involved, is a matter of great concern. As part of his legislative oversight and responsibility, he intends to investigate the matter thoroughly by engaging the Ministry of Justice and other relevant state authorities to ascertain reasons behind the failed prosecution.

Referring to Article 'B' of the Constitution of Liberia, which empowers the legislature to provide security for the state, Senator Dillon underscores the importance of addressing various security issues, including the economy, public health, public safety, and national security.

He says it is within the wisdom of senators to review and strengthen drug laws to combat the alarming rate of drug-related crimes such as trafficking, smuggling, mass production, and sale.

"The drug issue has become a national security threat, and we have made the drug law enforceable to combat this menace."

Expressing his passion for eradicating drug-related problems in the country, including rehabilitation of victims of substance addiction and mental health issues, Dillon reiterates that the Ministry of Justice must provide compelling evidence during prosecutions to secure jury verdicts.

Suspecting foul play and potential misconduct, he lauds the Liberian Senate for their majority support in summoning the Ministry of Justice and other relevant security personnel to conduct a thorough hearing aimed at uncovering the truth behind the failed prosecution.

He says if the judge's actions warrant impeachment, appropriate measures will be taken, adding that the loss of the $100 million drug case alongside the associated evidence, should not be taken lightly, particularly as it pertains to his dedication to combating drug-related crimes and advocating for the well-being of the nation.

He expressed gratitude for being a member of the Judiciary Committee and the National Security, Defense, Intelligence, and Veterans Affairs Committee, confirming that both committees will jointly hold the hearing with the Minister of Justice and other relevant stakeholders.

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