Gambia: Nine Convicted for Selling Unregistered Chemical, Pesticides

Magistrate Mben Faal of the Kanifng Magistrates' Court yesterday convicted and sentenced Mamadou Jawo, Malick Drammeh, Sainey Faye, Bai Nyass, Ababacar Dieye and Omar Njie to a fine of D1500 each in default to serve one month imprisonment. Fatou Jallow, Rashing Sey and Fatou Gaye were sentenced to a fine of D2000 each in default to serve 6 weeks imprisonment. They were all convicted for selling unregistered chemical and pesticides. This followed their plea of guilt.

In their plea of mitigation, they told the court that they did not know that they had to register the said chemical and pesticides before selling them. They urged the court to temper justice with mercy.

The presiding magistrate informed them that ignorance of the law is not an excuse and further advised them to always register such chemicals and pesticides before selling them to the public.

Babucarr Dumbuya, who was also arraigned for the same offence, had told the court that he had paid for selling the pesticides and that he has documents to show that he has already paid.

"Bring the documents you said were issued to you when you paid. We want to know who you paid to and for what purpose," the presiding magistrate told him.

"I will do so," he responded. He was subsequently granted bail.

The case was adjourned to the 26th June, 2023, for him to produce the said documents.

Prosecutors alleged that the convicts were selling unregistered chemicals and pesticides contrary to Section 38(b) of the Hazardous Chemical and Pesticides Control and Management Act.

The law enforcement officers said the incident happened on the 14th February, 2023, at Serrekunda, in the Kanifing Municipality of The Republic of The Gambia.

Sub-Inspector Kebbeh represented the IGP.

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