Gambia: MoHERST Inaugurates Committee to Transform MDI Into a Civil Service College

The Ministry of Higher Education, Research Science and Technology (MoHERST) on Wednesday officially inaugurated a committee tasked with the responsibility of transforming the Management Development Institute - The Gambia (MDI) into a Civil Service College.

The Committee's role also includes overseeing and guiding the strategic transformation process of the institution. Also, this transformation aims to elevate MDI into a higher education institution that offers degree programs, continuous training, and research opportunities to improve the quality and professionalism of the Civil Service in The Gambia.

Speaking shortly after the inauguration held at the Ministry, Professor Pierre Gomez, minister of MoHERST, stated that the Ministry's objective was to transform MDI into a Civil Service College to enable it effectively respond to the needs and aspirations of the Civil Service of the country.

"We want to build the future; we want to give hope to the youth of this country and make MDI world-class standard that is worthy of emulation," he told the committee.

Further, a ten-member (10) select committee, who were selected from diverse works and professional backgrounds was inaugurated.

The committee members include; Sulayman Samba, retired Civil Servant - chairperson, Alieu Ngum, retired Civil Servant, Pateh Jah, PS MoPSARPCD, Lamin F. Jawara, PS - PMO, Fatou S. Njie, Deputy DG, MDI, Professor Momodou Mustapha Fanneh, UTG, Dr. Burama Jammeh, Consultant at MDI, Dr. Abdou Touray, Consultant at MDI, Jinieri Sagnia, retired Civil Servant, likewise Mucktarr M.Y Darboe, MoHERST, DPS Technical as Rapporteur.

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