Ghana: Language Plays Crucial Role in Preservation of Cultural Heritage - Prof. Clement Appah


Professor Clement Appah, Head of the Department of Linguistics at the University of Ghana has stressed the crucial role of language in the preservation of cultural heritage.

Sharing his perspectives on the importance of language preservation, the significance of attention to detail, and the pursuit of excellence in all endeavours in another captivating episode of this season's Y 107.9's Y Leaderboard Series, he highlighted the unfortunate reality that "languages can become extinct when people no longer choose to speak them."

Drawing attention to the linguistic diversity of Ghana, he expressed concern for endangered Ghanaian languages.

He revealed that numerous researchers were actively engaged in the documentation of these languages, emphasising the importance of their work in safeguarding linguistic traditions for future generations.

Professor Appah shared his journey into the field of linguistics recalling how curiosity had played a pivotal role in shaping his career path.

He said his inquisitive nature sparked an early interest in the study of languages, ultimately leading him to discover his passion for linguistics.

"I wasn't an art student, but when I entered the university, they claimed my mathematics skills were not up to par. Additionally, since I had pursued Agriculture in secondary school without studying Chemistry, I technically did not meet the requirements for an Agric programme. As a result, I was admitted as an arts student," he said.

He said "I was aware of the term linguistics due to my exposure to these professionals while growing up. The curiosity within me drove me to explore the field further, and I enrolled in linguistics courses to satisfy my inquisitive nature. From the moment I started studying linguistics, it felt like it was tailor-made for me. For three years, I achieved outstanding academic results, with only two A-s and the rest being straight As."

He encouraged young individuals to explore their curiosity and follow their interests, as it might open doors to unexpected and fulfilling career opportunities.

As an expert in linguistics, Professor Appah stressed the importance of attention to detail in all aspects of life.

He believed that cultivating this skill set was essential for young people in today's fast-paced world.

By paying meticulous attention to the subtleties of language, communication, and culture, one can develop a profound understanding of the world around them.

"Professor Appah's dedication to preserving Ghanaian languages and his emphasis on attention to detail and the pursuit of excellence serve as guiding principles for both academics and individuals striving for personal growth," Eddy Blay Jnr, Programmes Manager of Y FM said.

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