Nigeria: We've Recorded Birth of 3102 Babies, Says Bridge Clinics

1 June 2023

Port Harcourt — A fertility specialist hospital, Bridge Clinics has disclosed that its facility has achieved the safe delivery of 3102 babies, since inception, in 1999.

Business Development Executive of the clinic, Mrs Oge Broderick, gave the revelation in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, during an interactive session with its clients, tagged the 'Welcome forum'.

At the event themed, "Unable to conceive the 2nd time", Mrs Broderick noted that an internationally recognised fertility organisation, Alexander Fords, also audits their success rate and baby births annually.

Mrs Brodrick also noted that the clinic founded in 1999, by one Dr Richards Ajayi, was the first to achieve conception and birth of surgically collected sperm and eggs, in Nigeria, first to have conception and birth from surgically collected pregnancy cycle.

She noted that the Bridge clinic was able to achieve so much based on its core values of honesty, transparency, ethical conduct, innovation and excellence.

"We are transparent in our business dealings, always carrying along our clients and obtain their consents, before we move to the next stage, at solving their fertility problems.

"We are also evolving in advanced medical practice in science and technology, with a view to offering them the best."

In her submission, the Fertility Specialist of the clinic, Dr Tambari Femi Oluwole, advised that couples to move to Fertility Specialist hospital, for their problem solutions.

Dr Oluwole who disclosed that Bridge clinic functions to educate her clients and general public on fertility issues, also described infertility, as the inability to conceive, after one year of unprotected sexual intercourse, by a couple.

"In our country, the culture of having children, by couples cannot be over emphasized, hence our duty to save our clients of infertility. When couples do not have accurate information about fertility issues, they are often at a loss."

The fertility expert explained that, the hospital usually demand the attention of both couple each time they come for counselling, revealing, it affects, not only the woman, both at times.

She observed the causes of infertility in men, to range from smoking habit, taking of hard drugs, alcoholism, hypertension, diabetics and among others.

In women, he said "over weight, general well being, chronic disease, reproductive system, number of eggs, the fallopian tube, fertilized eggs and position of the woman's hormone, form part of the causes of infertility", and urged couples looking for offspring to always seek professional advice of fertility experts.

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