Liberia: CDC Is Not Afraid

-says Koijee

Monrovia City Mayor and secretary general of the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) Jefferson Koijee says the CDC is not worried about the October elections because former Vice President Joseph Nyumah Boakai has no history of winning elected posts since the foundation of Liberia.

"Look, I tell you; we are not afraid of whoever might have come from Nimba, all we know is that Boakai has never won any elected post since this country was founded", he says.

Mayor Koijee threw the jab at the Unity Party standard bearer late Tuesday, May 30, at the CDC headquarters in Congo Town during honoring program for 49 partisans who graduated from the University of Liberia.

He expresses optimism that the CDC will win in Nimba County despite Boakai selecting Senator Jeremiah Koung, a son of Nimba as his vice running mate ahead of the October polls.

He stresses that the CDC is poised and determined to overwhelmingly defeat its opponents, adding "We are not bothered about who is coming from Nimba; listen, the man they called Boakai; that man has never won any elected post. He contested in Lofa County in 1997 and got defeated; we will stop here and wait for the debate to expose more."

Speaking briefly to the graduates, the CDC chief scribe cautions CDCians graduating from the University of Liberia and other universities to remain steadfast in the journey that lies ahead of them, and not be deterred by what others may think about them.

"We want to encourage you to be courageous and continue to thread on that path.

For far too long we were classified as the unqualified group of people by those in leadership at the time, but today, we're the same people that are graduating with honors today", he notes.

Koijee describes the partisans' progress as a milestone achievement, something, he says is a great success that officials in the CDC can boast of.

Officials of the ruling Coalition say the honoring program is a normal tradition within the party, that whenever partisans of graduate from any university across the country, it's incumbent upon the CDC to recognize them for their tireless efforts.

"This is meant to honor and certificate our partisans, who completed the course at the state-run university."

Responding, the valedictorian and dux of the 103rd Graduation Class of the University of Liberia, Clinton P. Quee, who hails from Nimba County, extols the leadership of the CDC for the support given him over the years.

"Studying Mathematics and Physics and getting to the top among others wasn't something easy. Normally, the opposition and people in government have looked down on CDCians, calling us names and people who are unserious. It's against this background that we thought to learn with focus on our studies", the proud graduate says.

Quee brags that the record is now set, and with this achievement, they are of the strongest conviction that the CDC will dux the opposition comes October.

However, he cautions youth within the ruling party to take advantage of the tuition-freed policy at the University of Liberia.

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