Liberia: Five Guilty of Murder in River Gee

Maryland County — Fishtown, River Gee County: -Trial jurors at the 15th Judicial Circuit Court in River Gee County have brought down a guilty verdict against five defendants for murder in River Gee County.

The defendants are James Weah, Albert Weah, Charles Nyanti, Suku Sherman and Pedesco Sayon.

The jurors brought down the unanimous guilty verdict following two weeks of trial linking them to the alleged murder of the late Rachel Weah who went missing in Boah Dwehken, Grand Kru County in 2022.

According to Judge Cllr Wesseh Alphonso Wesseh, sentencing will be announced after the Fish Town Central prison has submitted a pre-sentence report.

The defense lawyers led by Cllr. Jerome C. Pour has excepted the jury verdict and planned to announce an appeal at the Supreme Court.

The public defense alleged that the trial jurors were tempered with by the immediate family members of Rachel Weah including some judicial actors at the court premises.

Cllr. Pour added that evidence provided by the trial jurors before the court was insufficient & lacked legal basis to have the defendants guilty of the crime.

The late Rachel Weah went missing in May 2022.

The five defendants who reside in Boah Dwehken, Grand Kru County were enroute to River Gee County when they were arrested by joint security at the Gbeapo Joequiken checkpoint with human skull including bones believed to be that of a human.

However, family members of the late Rachel Weah have lauded the jurors' verdict and expressed excitement and trust in the legal system of Liberia.

Mr. Nathaniel Weah used the occasion to call on all citizens to use the legal sector when there's a similar situation in the country.

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