Liberia: 'Liberia Under Serious Curse'

The head of one of Liberia's newly certificated political parties, Cllr. Luther N. Yorfee says the country is under a serious spiritual curse.

Yorfee links the alleged spiritual curse to the unnecessary murder of former Liberian presidents Samuel Kanyon Doe, and William R. Tolbert, and the elimination of thirteen ex-government officials.

Yorfee is the Vision Bearer of the Liberia Rebuilding Party (LRP). The National Elections Commission (NEC) certificated LRP along with nine other political parties Tuesday, 30 May 2023 ahead of the October elections.

In an interview with journalists at the NEC following his party's accreditation, Cllr. Yorfee indicated that since the Liberian civil unrest, the country has made no significant progress in the areas of infrastructure development and reconciliation.

The presidential hopeful suggested that to make progress, LRP has to be built on four major pillars.

They include rebuilding relationships with God and the citizens, rebuilding lives, rebuilding the country's economy, and rebuilding the country's infrastructure.

"You will agree with me that we have slain two of our leaders [by] violent means in this country. Even the Bible says woe to that nation that gets rid of her own king," Cllr. Yorfee argued.

"This means that we (Liberians) have a curse on us already because we have slain two of our presidents, namely former presidents Samuel K. Doe and William R. Tolbert," he noted.

According to him, President Tolbert was killed along with thirteen other government officials in the name of rampant corruption.

"However, when we look at our country today, can we say we are free of rampant corruption? No. This means that the killing of those people was useless."

For reconciliation, he said he will ensure that it remains paramount in this country.

Yorfee also believes that giving the slain presidents a befitting state burial will help the country reconcile.

"We are going to build a national park to be named the Liberian National Reconciliation Park."

Cllr. Yorfee said unless Liberia and Liberians are brought back to God, they will never prosper.

He said his priority is to rebuild Liberia's relationship with God.

"However, after that, we have to rebuild our relationship with our fellow citizens. That has to do with reconciliation," Cllr. Yorfee noted.

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