Liberia: Taa Wongbe Complains of Coming Under Attack From 'ANC Extremists'

Barely a day after he disclosed that the opposition Alternative National Congress (ANC) is in disarray, citing many examples of why he believes so, Taa Wongbe, a former executive member of the party, has complained of coming under attack allegedly from extremists of the ANC.

Wongbe, on Wednesday, alarmed that instead of focusing on the recommendations and the facts contained in his assertions that the party is in disarray, "the ANC has decided to send their Mujahideens and cyberattack teams to attack me."

Mujahideen, same as "strugglers or strivers, doers of jihad," is an Arabic term referring to individuals who engage in jihad, a spiritual act comparable to promoting Islam during the early 600s CE, while cyber-attackers are perpetrators of attacks or intrusion by means of a computer network such as the internet, often for the purpose of various crimes with different means and motives including spying and sabotaging.

Wongbe averred that apparently, the ANC's alleged attack is being unleashed against him, without authorities of the ANC reading recommendations contained in his critique pointing to the party being in disarray, wherein he noted that a lot of people love ANC political leader Alexander B. Cummings (ABC) and that most Liberians including him (Wongbe), believe ABC is the best person to lead Liberia.

It is recalled, on Tuesday, Wongbe disclosed that the ANC is in disarray, citing numerous examples as justification for his assertion - but one of such examples has so far been rebuffed by ANC's Grand Bassa County Chapter Chairperson, Solomon Abba Kollie.

Wongbe, himself, a resigned member of the ANC, as part of his justification that the ANc is in disarray, pointed to the resignations of members of the party's Nimba County Chapter, a few months ago, to which he alleges that ANC political leader Cummings reacted publicly by stating that the resigned members were not needed by the party.

Additionally, he claims the party is in disarray, because its Grand Bassa County Chapter Chairperson, Solomon Abba Kollie, is currently feeling disenfranchised some individuals including prominent Bassa citizen Lewis Brown, are being prioritized over the ANC Bassa Chapter Chairman.

But, the ANC Bassa Chapter Chair, Kollie, has since rebuffed Wongbe's claim that he's feeling disenfranchised, terming such an assertion as made by the former ANC member, as propaganda.

Howbeit, Wongbe, among others, further disclosed that other chairmen and chair ladies of the ANC are on the verge of quitting the party and pledging their support elsewhere, adding that the party is in a rental arrear in the sum of $510, for its Nimba County office, and that the door to such office was at the verge of being locked on the ANC.

He went on to indicate that supporters of the ANC are complaining about the lack of momentum and that the party's political leader, Cummings, lacks relationships and doesn't care for them.

"They are claiming that he pays attention to new people and not to those who have suffered with him," Wongbe wrote on his official Facebook handle on Tuesday.

He added that members and supporters of the ANC feel the party is being remotely controlled by members in the U.S. and by former Liberian president Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf.

According to Wongbe, some disenchanted members and supporters of the ANC, are now circulating news that Cummings is only in the race to support the governing CDC of incumbent, President George Weah, in the event the 10 October presidential election goes into a runoff, with the aim of potentially taking over the CDC after President Weah.

"Supporters can't fathom why Cummings still doesn't have a house in his home in Maryland when he's spending hundreds of millions on everything else. They are questioning if he's really here to stay," Wongbe further wrote.

He averred that members and supporters of the ANC feel the process of picking a vice standard bearer to Cummings, was a big fiasco and a huge momentum-killer and one that wasn't thought through clearly.

In his long list of examples justifying his assertion of the ANC being in disarray, Wongbe claims with only 5 months to elections, supporters of the party are also complaining that there's little to no movement, no mobilization, no recruitment, and no empowerment.

"This is not even all...I have received countless calls from supporters complaining and complaining and I have made them to understand that I am no longer a member of the party," he indicated.

Wongbe wants Liberians, particularly members and supporters of the ANC to know that the notion that people hate Cummings is ridiculous and false, noting that in fact, a lot of people love Cummings and that most Liberians including him, believe he's the best person to lead Liberia, but he opined that many Liberians simply do not understand the ANC political leader and can't relate to him.

"Moreover, many feel that he's arrogant and so are his handlers," added Wongbe, indicating, "Trust me, I don't believe this entirely because I have been there, but optics matter."

Wongbe, then took up time to lend his former party some recommendations, pointing out that the ANC needs to quickly fix issues it's being confronted with; pursue reconciliation; dispel rumors that Cummings is only in the race to drain votes from the Unity Party (UP) and to support CDC, should there be a second round.

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