Gambia: 'We Only Got One Active Council Account'

The head of the Business Banking Department at the Standard Chartered Bank, Abdoulie Sanneh, yesterday told the Local Government Commission of Inquiry at Senegambia that the bank has only one active bank account belonging to a council.

"Your bank was summoned to produce certain documents before the Commission. Were you able to get those documents? asked Lead Counsel Yakarr Cox.

"Yes," the witness responded, "we were given a list of council names to check whether we hold accounts for them, and we have realised that we only got one active account at the moment, which is Basse Area Council. [for] Banjul City Council we had an account with them but it was closed in 2020. So I was able to get statements for Basse Area Council and then BCC from 2018 to 2020. The rest of the councils - Kuntaur, Mansakonko and Janjangbureh - we had an account with them but they were closed way before 2017."

The witness tendered to the counsel the bank statement for Banjul Area Council to the Commission, which has a start date of 7 December 2016 and an end date of 15 December 2020. The opening balance was D161.65.

As confirmed by the witness, the Commission realised that there was little transaction and activity in relation to the account. The document was exhibited and tendered into evidence, following an application by Lead Counsel Cox.

Witness continued his testimony, saying: "The second statement is the statement for Basse Area Council. Like I said, it is a dormant account. Dormant accounts means accounts that have had no transactions for 12 months. So when there is nothing in an account for 12 months, the account turns to dormancy. So this account is a dormant account which is on the verge of closure."

"So I have got a statement which is dated from the 30th of December 2017 to date. The account is in a debit of D6,000. It is a current account."

The document was also tendered into evidence.

Concerning the signatories to the said accounts, Mr Sanneh told commissioners: "We start with Banjul City Council. So the account operates for any two to sign. This is how it is in the system; we don't have the first name but the second name is A.F. Othman and D.F. Bojang, Mustpha Bathily, O. Badjie and S. Faal. So these are the 5 signatories we have in the system, and it is for any two to sign. As per the signing rules, any two can sign a cheque or any transaction in the bank.

"[For] Basse Area Council, we have got loads of them. Bakary Laineh, Bubacarr M.J. Kanteh, Ebrima K. Sarr, Eduwarr A.K. Seckan, Ebrima N. Jaweh, M. Mrenarh/Marenah, Maudeh S. Baldeh, Momodou S. Jaiteh, Morro Keita, Mustapha F.M. Jobe and Pa Saat Ceesay. This one also is for any two to sign."

Mr Sanne's testimony eventually ended.

"Thank you very much. We appreciate your swift response. If and when we require you to clarify issues for us, we may call you in," Commissioner Jainaba Bah, chairperson of the Commission, told the witness following the conclusion of his testimony.

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