Liberia: Late Charloe Musu's Parents Return to Maryland

-As her body spends over 90 days in mortuary

After spending nearly three months in Monrovia, with more confusion, grief and uncertainty, the biological parents of the late Charloe Musu have returned to Maryland County with no news on when their daughter's remains would ever be released for burial.

Speaking Thursday, June 1, 2023, prior to their departure, the mother of the deceased, Mrs. Lucy Elliott-Musu said, she and her husband, Alphonso Musu, Sr. had no other choice but to return to Maryland County, having been disrespected, ignored and further traumatized during their stay in Monrovia.

Mrs. Elliott-Musu lamented that all their appeals for government to turn their daughter's remains over for burial since the conduct of the government-ordered autopsy more than two months ago, have fallen on deaf ears.

She emotionally wondered why the government continues to keep their daughter's body and increase the family's sorrow since in fact, the much talked-about scientific investigation (autopsy) had already been conducted.

With tears rolling down her cheeks, Ma Lucy said she and her husband were constrained to return home to take care of their other children and attend to their jobs and other family matters that have been stalled for over three months due to their prolonged and uncertain stay in Monrovia.

She added that considering the road condition and particularly, with the rainy season already here, they may or may not be able to travel back to Monrovia whenever the government is pleased or ready to release their daughter's remains.

Charloe's mother and father have already arrived back home in Maryland County, far more confused and grief-stricken than they were during their nearly three months stay in Monrovia, as they are unable to explain to the rest of their anxiously waiting family members.

The recent departure of Mrs. Musu and her husband means that all family members who had travelled to Monrovia between March and April this year following the death of Charloe, have returned home.

The first batch of family members including brothers and an uncle of the deceased returned to Maryland County one month ago in similar grief and agony, after spending nearly two months in Monrovia, enduring what they called disrespect, trauma, disappointment and frustration.

Speaking to newsmen on April 24, 2023, in Monrovia, before their departure then, the uncle and brother of Charloe, J. Wade Mle Elliott, Sr. and Natt Bloh Davis said they were returning to Maryland with heavy hearts, but had no choice.

They described as inhumane, the manner and form in which the family has been treated by the Government of Liberia since their arrival and during their nearly two months' stay, awaiting the outcome of their daughter, niece and sister's death and to give her a befitting burial.

They recounted the number of times they've requested for information such as the Coroner's examination report and the body of Charloe for appropriate funeral arrangements but to no avail.

Charloe Musu, a prospective graduate of the Starz University of Science & Technology in Monrovia, was fatally stabbed multiple times by an unknown individual at the Virginia residence of former Chief Justice, Gloria Musu Scott outside Monrovia, on the night of February 22, 2023, and subsequently died in hospital on the same date.

A police investigation into circumstances surrounding her murder is still ongoing, with growing anxiety and frustration from family members and the public due to its slow pace, political comments and interference.

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