Ghana: ER NCCE Celebrates Constitution Week in Koforidua

Koforidua — The Eastern Regional Director of National Commission on Civic Education, Ms Ophelia Ankrah has said that one of the ways Ghana could sustain and consolidate its democracy is to encourage inter-tribal marriages.

According to her, adhering to such practice would promote harmony in the country because no one would like to take any weapon against his or her relative.

"The practice of this virtue will help us reduce conflicts among us and secure our internal and external security, and our lives and properties," she explained.

Ms Ankrah made the suggestion on Wednesday in Koforidua during an engagement with security services in the region as part of activities marking the 2023 Constitution week celebration.

It was under the theme; '30 Years of Consolidating Constitutional Democracy: Building National Cohesion through Civic Education and Participation in Local Governance.'

Madam Ankrah also said it was important for all to tolerate each other, live a life devoid of discrimination against others, show and uphold tenets such as hospitality, rule of law, freedom of speech, and worship.

"The practice of this virtue will help us reduce conflicts among us and secure our internal and external security, and our lives and properties," she explained.

Ms Ankrah said that Ghana had made great gains in consolidating democracy over the years, naming the most outstanding as the periodic elections and peaceful change of government.

"Another area is the growth and proliferation of media, the fourth republic being the longest uninterrupted period of stable constitutional governance in the history of Ghana and the respect for human rights and rule of law," she added.

According to Madam Ankrah, despite all the gains in consolidating the nation's democracy, there were challenges and appealed to the security services to do their best to assist to arrest the situation, especially the corruption which has become a major socio-economic problem, and the cyber security issues.

The Eastern Regional Commander of the GNFS, Ms Jennifer Quaye, applauded the Commission for their effort to enlighten officers of the Ghana Security Service during its Constitution week.

She noted that some chapters in the Constitution could now be at their finger tips especially the chapter five which talked about the fundamental human rights and freedom.

The Eastern Regional GNFS Commander urged the Commission to continue its good work in educating the citizenry and always engage the Security Service in their activities.

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