Liberia: Professor Alaric Tokpa Accuses Weah

The National Chairman of the National Democratic Coalition (NDC) Professor Alaric Tokpa, accuses President George Weah and the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC)-led administration of looting Liberia's national resources so they must hit the exit door in October's Presidential and Legislative elections.

"The regime types we have in Liberia from government to government is stealing, and this regime type is lately represented by President George Weah, a footballer who is not a leader and must go", Professor Tokpa says.

He describes Mr. Weah as a lucky gronna boy, who has little understanding about politics but is at the helm of a post-war country, killing its democracy while manipulating the use of power to control the wealth of the nation.

He stresses that though Mr. Weah must be appreciated as an individual soccer artist, who has helped elevated Liberia through sports, but not as a leader, something, he says clearly defines why the incumbent should leave doing the October poll, emphasizing Mr. Weah must go because he is killing Liberia.

Speaking when he appeared on Spoon Talk over the weekend, Professor Tokpa notes that Liberia is faced with leadership crisis, and the only way to resolve such crisis is step by step, beginning with the removal of Mr. Weah and his gangs, while the other would be a collective effort from citizens to agree on a renewal of a national agenda to fix the country, noting that Liberia's problem has been a regime crisis that must be faced.

According to him, the Weah-led regime is criminalizing the state, while accusing the President of using his power to control the Legislature and the Judicial branches of government, which should have been independent bodies under similar jurisdiction, but are now controlled by a "Lucky gronna boy."

The Professor of Political Science at the University of Liberia questions where the Legislature and Judiciary have sat down and allowed themselves to be controlled under an authoritarianism, noting that Liberia is not democratic, but an autocratic state.

He continues that Mr. Weah has found pleasure in stealing and looting the country, while the executive controls the other two branches of government.

Professor Tokpa once served as chairman of the Department of Political Science at the University of Liberia.

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