Mali: Communiqué From the International Mediation

Election officials in Mali prepare materials for elections (file photo)

The International Mediation remains actively involved in efforts to help the Malian Parties complete the implementation of the Peace and Reconciliation Agreement resulting from the Algiers Process as soon as possible. Concluded eight years ago, this Agreement is a cornerstone for the lasting resolution of the recurring crises in Northern Mali and an essential component of the ongoing rebuilding process of the Malian State. Moreover, the implementation of the commitments contained in the Agreement will go a long way in fostering regional security and stability.

While welcoming the progress made, the International Mediation notes that important aspects of the Agreement have yet to be implemented, including the realization of the peace dividends for the benefit of the populations living in conflict-affected areas. In this regard, the Mediation notes with deep concern the unspeakable suffering inflicted on the inhabitants of the Gao and Menaka regions, in the face of intensified terrorist attacks and rising crime, as well as the significant forced displacement of populations to other regions, including Kidal. It expresses its full solidarity with the concerned populations and with those of central Mali, which are also confronting the scourge of terrorism and violence, as well as with the Malian people in general. It calls for greater international mobilization to provide the needed humanitarian assistance.

This situation underscores the urgent need to relaunch the peace process. Recalling its efforts and reach out to the Parties, including the proposals it made last April, the Mediation expresses the hope that these sustained actions will make it possible to create conditions for relaunching the Peace Agreement monitoring mechanisms and completing its implementation.

In this context, the Mediation takes note of the concerns expressed by the CMA and the Platform on the draft Constitution submitted for the 18 June referendum regarding the inclusion of provisions of the Peace Agreement in the new text. It also takes note of the Government's position, notably that no provision in the draft Constitution stands in the way of the implementation of the Peace Agreement, and its expressed willingness to comply with all the commitments made.

The International Mediation, noting the Parties' reaffirmation of their commitment to the Peace Agreement and confidence in its role under the leadership of Algeria as chef de file, stresses the need to implement all the pillars of the Agreement, which form an indivisible whole, including those relating to the institutional framework, in addition to aspects pertaining to defense and security and socio-economic development. In this regard, it calls on the Parties to urgently reach consensus on the required steps in terms of guarantees.

The Mediation reaffirms its commitment to fully play its role as political guarantor of the implementation of the Peace Agreement, including the planned institutional reforms.

Finally, the Mediation notes with satisfaction the willingness of the Parties to overcome the current impasse in the peace process through dialogue, and to work together to find consensual solutions that will allow the resumption of the implementation of the Peace Agreement.

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