Liberia: PYJ Abandons Birthplace in Nimba

A New DAWN's investigation in Gomahplay, home town of Senator Prince Y. Johnson in Buuyao district, Nimba County uncovers total neglect and abandonment of the town and its residents by PYJ, who prides himself as godfather of Nimba politics.

During a brief tour of the town and interview with residents, this paper established that Senator Johnson doesn't have a single house or residence in Gomahplay that he hails from.

Our investigative team also unearthed that the entire Buuyao, Nimba County District #5, doesn't have a healthcare center, high school, town hall, or road connectivity, including other basic social services.

During the tour on Tuesday, June 6, it was observed that the deplorable road leading to the hometown of Senator Johnson is currently being paved by cocoa and rubber buyers frequenting there for business.

There is also ongoing construction work for what residents say is a town hall that began last year by Nimba County District#5 Representative Samuel Korgar, who was expelled by PYJ's Movement for Democracy and Reconstruction party for alleged divided loyalty.

Meanwhile, residents of Gomahplay, Buuyao district, have expressed serious frustration and dismay over the alleged neglect of the district by Senator Johnson.

According to them, since PYJ became Senator of Nimba in 2005 'till now, he has done nothing to help the district that he hails from.

Speaking in an interview with this paper Tuesday, June 6, youth leader Francis Bouyah, alleged that the senator has refused to help the district in the provision of basic social services.

"My brother, this is the town that Senator Johnson is from. This is the town that makes him who he is today. But, so sadly, we have not seen our own son since he took office. The last time we saw Senator Johnson was during the campaign period. In fact, Senator Johnson doesn't have a house here. And once he comes for campaign, he doesn't sleep here", Mr. Bouyah narrates.

He discloses that the town currently lacks a town hall, clinic and a high school, among others.

"We don't have a clinic in this environment. Before we get treatment, we have to go to Yorpea, a town that is about three to four hours away from here. Another problem, we only have a junior high school that has no instructor, which is the Gomahplay Public School. Before we get high school education, we have to go either to Yorpea or Buutuo", he adds.

According to him, due to the lack of clinics and other social services for residents of the town, there has been an increase in childbirth, and most pregnant women going to give birth died on the way while trying to access healthcare services.

For his part, an elder of the town, Dolo Delekpah says it's frustrating that Senator Johnson, their son, abandoned them for the past 18 years as senator.

"We feel very bad now my son. For the past 18 years that Senator Johnson has been electing presidents, we have not benefited anything from him. This is his hometown, we have no clinic, school, roads, and opportunities for our children. We only see him during campaign time. When we vote for him, he can sell our votes. We are tired of this. If he can't come and sit at the table with us, we will reject him", he warns.

An ex-rebel general and leader of the erstwhile Independent National Patriotic Front of Liberia (INPFL) rebels that captured and slain President Samuel Kanyon Doe at the Freeport of Monrovia during the peak of the 14 years of Liberian Civil War in 1990, has been a three-time kingmaker, always being in an advantageous position in the runoff to decide the next elected President.

He did so for former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf twice before crossing over to then Senator George Weah and lifted his hand in Nimba County in the runoff with former Vice President Joseph Nyumah Boakai got Weah elected President in 2017 but severed ties with President Weah is now with former VP Boakai.

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