Liberia: Former Foreign Minister Demands Justice

Liberia's former Foreign Minister Madam Olubanke King-Akerele is demanding an end to delaying the investigation over Charloe Musu's death and also seeks an understanding of illicit drugs flow into the country.

The late Charloe is the daughter of Liberia's former Chief Justice Cllr. Gloria Musu Scott. She was murdered at her mother's home this year.

"We need justice in the case of former Chief Justice, Gloria Musu Scott. We want an end to the delay in Cllr. Scott's case which we found unacceptable," she said during a memorial program held at the Temple of Justice Thursday, 8 June 2023.

Madam King-Akerele said she wants to understand what is happening with drug issues because the youth are affected in the country.

"Drugs [are] killing the youth of this country who are the future of this country. We demand answers from the Minister of Justice concerning the many unexplained murder and drugs," she said.

The former Foreign Minister warned the government against the proliferation of illicit drugs and unexplained murders across the country.

"I am joining the voices of the elders of this country to say that we can't sit down and see the future of this country destroyed," Madam King-Akerele added.

She warned that she and many eminent women will not sit to see Liberia's future destroyed.

"We will be going to [the] Ministry of Justice because we need an answer to the unexplained murder and disappearances over the years," she continued.

Meanwhile, a Memorial program was held at the Temple of Justice Thursday in honor of Liberia's first Female Circuit Court Judge for Montserrado County, Judge Emma Nmano Shannon Walser.

At the program, Madam King-Akerele recalled that when the Legislature in the past illegally and unconstitutionally removed former Judge Walser, they gathered under the banner of Concerned Women for Justice, questioning the decision of the Legislature at that time.

"Yet, we didn't get what we wanted at the time, but we took a stand. You can't sit down when injustice is being perpetrated," she cautioned.

"We took a stand. You have to do what you have to do or else you are guilty. You are guilty when injustice is being perpetrated and you keep silent and do nothing," said Madam King-Akerele.

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