Liberia: Nimbaians Resolved On Weah's Re-Election

Stakeholders in Nimba County have met to strategize on re-electing President George Manneh Weah for a second term come October.

Speaking on Tuesday, June 6, 2023, in Ganta after a consultative meeting for the re-election of President Weah, the county chairperson for the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) Regina Mehn, said the forum brought together stakeholders and public officials from Nimba in the Weah-led government, including county administrators, ten collaboration parties that constitute the Coalition and well-wishers.

According to him, its focus was to strategize on a big program coming up on June 24th in Karnplay, Nimba to be graced by President Weah when the people of Nimba will tell the world that they are resolved on supporting President Weah's second term bid.

He explains that the program will be held under the theme: "Zo-ai-wa-Mom", meaning Nimba is resolved to carry the President again.

He says they selected Karnplay as a venue because previous programs were held in Saclepea, Ganta, and Sanniquellie respectively, so this time around, the people of Karnplay will have an opportunity to feel the presence of both local and national officials from Nimba that are working in the CDC government.

Chairman Mehn notes that when it comes to their local governance structure, if District#3 Representative, Joseph Nyan Somwarbi speaks, it means the people of the district have spoken, and if the commissioner of Yarpea Mahn speaks, it means the people of Yarpea Mahn have spoken, adding so at the program in Karnplay, they realize elders of the county will be speaking, which will automatically mean the people of Nimba have spoken.

"I am not talking about side people, who will go give their support to the political party; I'm talking about people who are making policy in the county", he adds.

Chairman Mehn disclosed that in the shortest possible time, motorbikes and vehicles will ply the streets of Nimba County with inscription "Coalition for Democratic Change", appealing to citizens to exercise patience, as shortly, all campaign materials they need to campaign for President Weah will be in the county.

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