Ghana: Bawumia Touts NPP Achievements in London

The Vice President, Dr Mahamudu Bawumia has touted the achievements of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) government in spite of global factors which have hit several economies around the world in the past three years.

He stated that the NPP government had done tremendously well with many landmark achievements since assuming office in 2017.

"We have not had it all rosy and delivered everything that we set out to do from our day of initiation into office but the setbacks notwithstanding, we have produced a solid track record of achievements," Dr Bawumia pointed out.

While highlighting some global and domestic factors which have affected the country recently, the vice president insisted that it was unfathomable for any person to claim NPP does not have message for the citizenry going into the 2024 elections.

Addressing the NPP International Women's Conference in London on June 10, 2023, Dr Bawumia's extensive address in London, cheered on by members, supporters, faithful, well-wishers and sympathisers of the party, said the government's efforts must be appreciated since it was important to recollect the state of the country and challenges it inherited as well as the solutions it had proffered to address them.

He listed, among others, high unemployment, power outages for four years, virtually collapsed National Health Insurance Scheme, nearly collapsed National Ambulance System, freeze on public sector employment, almost collapsed banking sector, annual increases in utility bills, poor economic indicators, low agricultural growth and low industry growth.

Dr Bawumia added that cancellation of teacher and nursing training allowances and huge burden of paying $1 billion dollars annually for "take-or-pay" excess energy capacity deal negotiated by the previous National Democratic Congress (NDC) government.

After listing the numerous challenges the government inherited, the vice president presented comprehensive list of policies, programmes, projects and social interventions in every sector they had implemented to address the challenges in employment, education, health, agriculture, industry, security, energy and digitalisation sectors.

Dr Bawumia also highlighted better growth in agriculture, industry and further touted the government's numerous achievements in the health sector including introduction of drones for emergency delivery of medical supplies to remote areas, treatment for children with cancers as well as Agenda 111.

He also spoke extensively on government's achievements in reviving the industrial sector, highlighting particularly the revival of Anglogold Ashanti, establishment of many factories under the "One District One Factory" initiative and digitisation.

The vice president hastened to add that, that does not mean the government had done everything it intended to do or ought to have done but there was lot more to do and would will work hard to do that.

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