Liberia: Professor Alleges Fraud at UL, but...

Liberia's former Chief Justice Cllr. Frances Johnson-Allison, now Assistant Professor of Law, has accused the Louis Arthur Grimes School at the University of Liberia of graduating academic fraudsters during the 103rd commencement convocation.

Cllr. Johnson-Allison said students Alimatu Nuri Hutchinson and Ebenezer Wilson did not pass her course.

But she said the Dean of the Louis Arthur Grimes School of Law, Dr. Cllr. Jallah Barbu and the University of Liberia Faculty Senate have graduated them.

The former Chief Justice said the graduation of students Alimatu Nuri Hutchinson and Ebenezer Wilson is a clear justification of academic fraud at the Law School.

Following the graduation of both students, the former National Elections Commission Chairperson wrote on her official Facebook page to criticize Liberia's education system.

"What does it say about Liberia's modern-day education system when the Nation's highest institution of learning condones academic fraud by graduating students who did not meet the requirements for graduation," Cllr. Allison pondered.

She accused the two graduates of allegedly using money to influence her secretary to change their failing grades to passing grades to graduate.

Based on Cllr. Allison's complaint, Campaigners for Academic Crimes Court, and former student leader activist Martin K.N. Kollie interviewed Cllr. Johnson-Allison.

She maintained her position that both students should not have graduated.

"This one semester, I taught Legal Ethics and Children's Law. The lady in question Mrs. Alimatu Nuri Hutchinson failed my test by getting "D," Cllr. Johnson-Allison explained.

"Later she came to me to have the grade changed to "C" because she needs to graduate. I declined because she failed ... Children Law that many got "A" in," she added.

Cllr. Johnson-Allison said approximately, a total of 39 students wrote. "when I refused to pass her and left for America, she used my secretary to change their grades to passing grades which he admitted to the Crimes Services Division of the Liberian National Police," she noted.

Cllr. Johnson-Allison disclosed that the information was reported to her in the United States by some students whom she described as whistleblowers.

She pointed out that the Faculty Senate spoke with her in an interview to establish the issue surrounding the students' grades to conduct an investigation.

She said she told the Faculty Senate that the students didn't pass the course, therefore, they should not graduate.

"I later wrote the Dean of the Law School after this happened. I authorized the person I left in charge of my office to take the issues to the police," she narrated.

Meanwhile, the University of Liberia President Dr. Julius S. Nelson said they stand by their decision to graduate both students.

According to him, they have not received any official complaint from Cllr. Johnson-Allison to have denied the student of graduation.

"We stand by the graduation of those students because we have not seen any formal compliment from Cllr. Johnson-Allison concerning this matter," he said.

"If she comes and proves beyond all reasonable doubt with due process according to the students, we will take action. But for now, we stand by our graduation," he concluded.

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