Liberia: Weah Dedicates Refurbished Housing Units for Soldiers

The Commander-In-Chief of the Armed Forces of Liberia, President George Weah has dedicated a refurbished housing unit in Unification Town, Margibi County for soldiers of the AFL and their dependents.

The refurbished housing units at a transit camp of the Edward Binyan Kesselly Barracks include 72 newly constructed rooms for senior and junior officers and seven-unit quarters with 180 rooms for newly trained officers.

C-I-C Weah said the facility will increase accommodation at various barracks across the country boost strength of troops to protect the State.

He said the dedication is in fulfillment of promise made to the AFL during celebration of Armed Forces Day last year to increase accommodations for uniformed personnel and their dependents.

He noted that the ceremony marked a significant milestone in his government's efforts to improve living standards and welfare of men and women of the military.

President Weah further reaffirms his pledge to provide necessary resources to enhance the living conditions of soldiers despite budgetary constraints and competing demands.

He said the dedicatory program is not an isolated event but rather represents a comprehensive effort to improve barracks across the country, adding that these renovations and constructions represent his unrelenting commitment to the army.

He hailed men and women in arms for serving diligently, sacrificing their comfort and safety to protect the Motherland.

With their tireless sacrifices and commitment over time, the President noted that it is his duty, as Commander-In-Chief to reciprocate by ensuring their wellbeing is a major concern and a top priority.

"We owe them the highest level of care and support, not just for their own sake, but also for the stability and prosperity of our great nation", he re-emphasized.

Her stressed that the newly constructed and renovated buildings are tangible symbols of his commitment to providing the AFL with the necessary infrastructure and facilities they deserve.

Earlier, Minister of Defense, Daniel Ziakahn, acknowledged constraints faced by the AFL, including issue of accommodation, but said the dedication will somehow mitigate some of those challenges while pleading for resources to enhance the capacity and strength of the army.

Minister Ziakahn said though barracks across Liberia are congested, renovation of the housing unit will start process of decongestion, including relocation of the Military Police Company (MPC) to the Unification Town Barracks to help provide maximum security for the Roberts International Airport.

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