Liberia: Diaspora Group Supports Norman's Klay Representative Bid

A diaspora group known as the Concerned Citizens and Friends of Klay District (CCKD) has pledged to support the former president of the Bomi Community College, Zobong Boima Norman.

Norman is seeking to be elected as Representative of District 2 in Bomi County.

The group said following a series of engagements, it sees Norman as the best candidate for the Klay district legislative seat.

"We have had a series of online meetings to galvanize strong financial, political, logistical, and moral support for Dr. Norman whom we believe is the best candidate for the job," CCKD said in a press release.

"Our membership cuts across Africa, the United States of America, Canada, and Europe, and we have pledged our support for Dr. Norman because we believe he is the best and most qualified candidate who will bring the needed development projects to our district and help to lift our people out of poverty," the group said.

It argued that Norman has unquestionably proven his commitment to the development of the Klay District.

CCKD observed that despite many local and external opportunities available to Klay District, the area has remained significantly backward due to the poor leadership and political selfishness of some politicians.

Meanwhile, the diaspora group frowns on certain bad-faith politicians who are trying to remove Dr. Norman from the Klay District aspirant slot.

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