Liberia: Boakai's Endorsement Suffers Blow

The President-General for the National Federation of Motorcyclists and Tricycles Association of Liberia (NAFOMTAL) Harris Kollie has distanced the Federation from a recent endorsement of the Presidential bid of former Vice President Joseph Nyumah Boakai by over 230,000 cyclists in Paynesville.

Speaking in Monrovia on Monday, June 19, Mr. Kollie said such endorsement, if left unchallenged, could hamper the wellbeing of majority of young people who are riding motorbikes and tricycles to sustain their livelihoods.

He said as President-General of NAFOMTAL that represents more than 250,000 motorcyclists across the country, he has to clarify immediately because the endorsement by John F. Kenyor of the Unity Party Standard Bearer under the National Federation is false and misleading.

Mr. Kollie stressed that they will not sit as a Federation and watch Mr. John F. Kenyor, who he described as a fugitive, and UP Chairman Rev. Luther Tarpeh gamble the wellbeing of motorcyclists.

He said the statement by some members of the Association led by Mr. Kenyor, endorsing the candidacy of Ambassador Boakai under the auspices of the Motorcycle and Tricycle Unions of Liberia is intended to score political points at the detriment of thousands of cyclists across Liberia.

He emphasized that motorcyclists are always reminded of how some of their colleagues were brutalized and sanctioned during the 12 years rule of the UP-led government, so they will in no way endorse such ticket to again face marginalization and hardship.

According to him, motorcyclists acknowledge the magnanimity of President George Manneh Weah over the years, evidenced by lifting of sanctions imposed on them, removal of "No-go-zone" restriction in some parts of Monrovia, including reduction of tariffs of transport licenses of tricycles (Keke) and motorbikes from US$150 to US$50 for tricycles, and from US$50 to US$25 for motorbikes, can never be overly emphasized, noting that President Weah and the CDC-led government have done much for cyclists in a short period than any previous government.

Commending the President for his unwavering support to motorcyclists and tricyclists, he disclosed that the good leadership of President Weah will never go unnoticed, while pledging the Federation's support instead, to the Weah Presidency.

Mr. Kollie added that it is under the good leadership of President Weah that negotiations are underway for the first time in history, for the construction of a state of the art headquarters worth US$250,000 shortly for cyclists.

He condemned the endorsement of the UP's Rescue Mission Ticket, noting that such pronouncement was made without any consultation and or consensus by the generality of motorcyclists across the country.

On Thursday, June 15, 2023, over 230,000 motorcyclists and tricycle operators endorsed the Presidential bid of Ambassador Boakai at a ceremony in Paynesville, outside Monrovia, according to a press release issued by the office of the former Vice President.

The release said the President-General of the Unions, Mr. John A.F. Kenyor, introduced officials of the Unions and coordinators from all 15 counties to the UP Standard Bearer.

It detailed that Mr. Kenyor told Mr. Boakai that the battle is not his, but rather the Federation of Tricycle and Motorcycle Unions of Liberia, pledging the Unions' commitment to making sure that the UP Standard Bearer is elected come October, as President of Liberia.

"The President-General told the crowd that the decision is about the nation and not about individuals", the release reads.

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