Liberia: 'Liberia Bleeding Excessively'

-Sheikh Al Moustapha Kouyateh says

The leader of Liberia First Movement Sheikh Al Moustapha Kouyateh says Liberia is bleeding excessively due to injustice and bad governance by the Weah-led administration.

Addressing a major press conference over the weekend in Monrovia, he named corruption, injustice, and irresponsible leadership under President George Manneh Weah's administration as tools that have plagued the nation for far too long.

According to Mr. Kouyateh, these vices are killing and damaging the fabric of Liberian society.

"I stand before you today to address an issue that has plagued our nation for far too long. Corruption, injustice, and irresponsible leadership under the Weah-led government," said Mr. Kouyateh.

"These issues have resulted in the suffering of our people, the decay of our institutions, and the erosion of our democracy," he noted.

The opposition politician alleged that he has seen the rise of corruption in every sector of society, from the highest levels of government to the lowest bureaucrat under President Weah.

The head of the Liberia First Movement continued that he has also seen the abuse of power, the alleged embezzlement of public funds, and the alleged theft of national resources.

Mr. Kouyateh maintained that he has seen the effects of this corruption in the crumbling infrastructure, the lack of basic services, and the poor state of the healthcare and education systems of Liberia.

But the opposition leader encouraged Liberians that with all that is happening, they must not be silent in the face of these injustices.

He urged Liberians to demand accountability and transparency from their leaders, and they must work together to build a better future for the nation.

"That is why I am calling for the establishment of the War and Economic Crimes Court in Liberia," said Mr. Kouyateh.

He argued that Liberians cannot let those who committed atrocities during the civil war go unpunished.

"We cannot allow those who have stolen our national resources to walk free. We must hold these individuals accountable for their actions, and the establishment of this court will help us to do just that," Mr. Kouyateh stated.

He stated that the War and Economic Crimes Court will send a strong message that no one is above the law, and that justice will prevail in Liberia.

According to Kouyateh, it will also help to restore the dignity of the nation, and it will serve as a deterrence to those who seek to abuse their power and commit crimes against the people.

"But we cannot stop at the establishment of the court. We must continue to demand accountability and transparency from our leaders, and we must work together to build a better future for our nation," he continued.

He encouraged Liberians to hold their leaders accountable for their actions, and they must work to build strong institutions that will serve the people, not the other way around.

"Let us demand accountability and transparency and let us work together to build a better future for our nation."

"And let us support the establishment of the War and Economic Crimes Court in Liberia so that justice may prevail and our nation may move forward," he said.

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