Liberia: GOL, UNICEF Launch Nationwide Campaign On Violence Against Children

The Government of Liberia in collaboration with the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) has launched a nationwide campaign to combat violence against children.

UNICEF launched the campaign in partnership with the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection, the Government of Sweden and the Spotlight Initiative in Liberia in commemoration of the Day of the African Child, which was celebrated at the Executive Pavilion in Monrovia on Friday, June 16, 2023.

The Day is celebrated annually on June 16 to commemorate the Soweto Uprising which took place in South Africa on June 16, 1979.

The uprising was as a result of students protesting against the apartheid government's Afrikaans-only education policy, as the protests were met with violence by the police, and hundreds of students were killed.

The Day was also to commemorate the courage and resilience of children across the continent, it was observed under the theme, "The rights of the child in the digital environment".

Speaking on behalf of UNICEF Liberia Officer-In-Charge Mr. Amadou Cisse, the Chief of Education Section at the institution, Mr. Charles Nabongo, stressed the need to give children the free space to express themselves.

Mr. Nabongo noted that the nationwide campaign is meant to create awareness to combat all forms of violence against children, including gender-based violence, through community engagement activities and the use of mass media.

He added that the 2023's theme of the Day, emphasizes the critical need to protect children in the rapidly evolving digital landscape.

The UNICEF Chief of Education Section indicated that with internet access and usage increasing globally, it is key to address the challenges and risks faced by children online as well.

According to him, the Day of the African Child is a day to reflect on the challenges that children face and to recommit to protecting their rights, noting that it is also a day to celebrate the resilience and determination of children, who continue to fight for a better future.

He stressed that the campaign's core message, "Liberia... Stand Up... End Violence Against Women and Children", encourages every member of society to show love, care, and respect in their homes, communities, and beyond.

Mr. Nabongo intimated that using mass media platforms, including radio, television, and social media, the campaign aims to reach a wide audience and spark meaningful conversations about the importance of ending violence against children.

At the same time, the UNICEF Liberia Executive noted that the institution recognizes the critical role of stakeholders in ensuring the promotion and protection of children's rights in the digital environment.

He stressed that the campaign highlights the collective responsibility of the State, the private sector, parents, caregivers, civil society organizations, United Nations, National Human Rights Institutions, and child and youth-led organizations to collectively create a safe and nurturing digital space for children to thrive.

Mr. Charles Nabongo has however called on all local and international stakeholders to commit themselves to advocate for policies and take tangible actions that protect and fulfill children's rights.

He stated that UNICEF stands firmly by the Government of Liberia and the institution's (UNICEF) partners, pledging their unwavering commitment to promoting equity for every child, everywhere, including in the digital environment.

Mr. Nabongo believes that together, they will strive to create a world where children can thrive and realize their full potential.

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