Liberia: Bongese in Massive Turnout

-As they endorse Cummings presidential bid

Thousands of Bong County citizens including partisans, supporters, sympathizers and well-wishers of the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP), turned out in mass at the David Kuyon Sports Stadium in Gbarnga, on Saturday, June 17, to endorse the Presidential bid of Mr. Alexander B. Cummings, come October 10.

The colorful ceremonies, organized by former Bong County Senator Henry W. Yallah and other CPP Representative Aspirants was joined by a Christian Faith Political Movement, 'Kindom Legislators Inc.' who pledged their unflinching support and loyalty to the election of Mr. Cummings as the most suitable candidate to replace President George Weah.

The Kingdom Legislators Inc, established March 2021, has a membership of over 5,000 Pastors spread out in six counties including Bong, Grand Bassa, Lofa, Nimba, Margibi and Montserrado, according to its spokesperson, Pastor Dominion O. Roberts.

Pastor Roberts said Christians nationwide have responsibility to provide moral guidance, prayers and help Liberians to elect good leaders and that after careful evaluations of the major Presidential contenders, Mr. Cummings has proven to be the best and most suitable.

The Pastors spoke of Cummings unblemished and enviable record at Coca-Cola, as well as his vast business connections and understanding of the corporate world, which they believe makes him the most suitable to revive the ailing Liberian economy and badly needed to create jobs.

Former Bong County Senator Yallah defended the character, integrity and enviable world record of Mr. Cummings and called on his kinsmen and citizens of Bong County to support the CPP Standard Bearer and Vice Standard Bearer, Cllr. Charlyne M. Brumskine come October 10.

He said Bong and Grand Bassa Counties "cut across as one people" and rejected claims that Bong County has a political godfather, with loyalty to a specific political party or individual. Bong County is vote rich and said to have the third largest voting population, with 13 electoral Districts.

Cummings was accompanied to the endorsement ceremony by senior CPP stalwarts including Cllr. Brumskine who pleaded with Bong County citizens to reject the re-election bid of President Weah due to the worsening economic conditions in the country and the dire need for genuine change.

In accepting his endorsement, the CPP Standard Bearer expressed gratitude to the people of Bong County for the massive turnout and their show of support and solidarity for his Presidential bid come October 10.

Cummings extended special thanks and appreciation to Senator Yallah, the CPP Bong County structure, and also members of the Kingdom Legislators for the confidence reposed him and their pledge of support to his election as the next President of Liberia.

The CPP Standard Bearer expressed explicit confidence that with the massive show of support and solidarity in Bong, Grand Bassa, Maryland and other parts of Liberia, and with God, he is certain of his ascendancy as the next President of Liberia.

He assured Liberians, that with Cllr. Brumskine as Vice running mate, who he describes as an inspiration to young people, "we will win and have the mandate to change Liberia for the benefit of all Liberians."

The CPP Standard Bearer said all Liberians irrespective of political or religious affiliations, ethnicity, status or creed will benefit from the country's resources and have equal rights and access to jobs and opportunities, when elected President.

Cummings accompanied by CPP stalwarts returned recently from a visit to Maryland County and other southeastern counties including Rivergee and Grand Kru.

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