Liberia: 'My Mother Is Innocent'

-Cllr. Scott's son denounces murder charge

Mr. Nyowo Scott, the son of Liberia's former Chief Justice Cllr. Gloria Musu Scott has denounced multiple charges levied against the stateswoman which include murder, saying she is 'innocent.'

"My mother is innocent. My family is innocent. All that my mother has ever done is to give service to Liberia and the Liberian people," Mr. Scott told journalists outside the Liberia National Police (LNP) headquarters Tuesday, 20 June 2023.

Police in Monrovia have charged Cllr. Scott and some of her family members with murder, criminal conspiracy, and [providing] false information to law enforcement officers about the brutal murder of her daughter, Charloe Musu.

Following months of police investigation into Charloe's murder, police on Tuesday arrested and formally charged Cllr. Scott, Rebecca Youdeh Wisner, Gertrude Newton, and Alice Johnson.

Charloe's death in February this year shocked the country and heightened security fears.

She was murdered at Cllr. Scott's residence after the former Chief Justice reported to police authorities two separate incidents of alleged armed robbery attacks at her home in Brewerville.

Cllr. Scott lamented that the government did not lift a finger to prevent the third incident in which her daughter Charloe was killed.

Following the incident, U.S.-based Liberian former head of the erstwhile Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) Cllr. Jerome Verdier alleged that Monrovia Mayor Jefferson T. Koijee had ordered Monrovia City Police Officer Varlee Telleh to carry out the attack.

Both Koijee and Telleh have denied playing a role in the attacks and the murder of Charloe.

Following the charges Tuesday, Mr. Scott lamented that he was devastated by the proceeding of the case because this has tarnished his mother's good reputation.

"So many people have come to her for help that she [is] giving back to this country. Now, here we are. That is the way to say thank you right? All because of politics," Mr. Scott said.

"Yes, my mother has been charged with the crimes of murder, criminal conspiracy, and false information to the police officer," he continued.

Nyowo vowed to fight the Government of Liberia legally through the court, saying his mother is innocent in the death of Charloe Musu.

He described as funny, the police charge that his mother provided false information to law enforcement.

"Look Liberia, you know who is responsible for this. But the talk in the town is man can't talk all. But, in the time to come we will talk," Mr. Scott stated.

"Now we are here but you know what, we are taking this to the next step. We are going to fight back."

Mr. Scott vowed to explain all that has happened very soon and the world will know as they proceed to the next stage of the case.

Mr. Scott explained that in their household, people have different political opinions and belong to different parties.

Yet, he said his mother has never stopped anyone from supporting what and whom they believe.

He asserted that he was supporting President George Manneh Weah when he was challenging former President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, citing his Facebook post as evidence.

"Anybody who [says] something about CDC [Coalition for Democratic Change], they have [a] problem with me. You can now go on my Facebook page and you will see what I am telling you. Is this how we are [repaid]?" he lamented.

He explained that everyone followed the case when his family was attacked on 23 February 2023.

"I am a son of the soil, born in Liberia, Duala, and grown up in Sinkor. In our household, we have at least ten to eleven people living in our house."

"We are three from our mother, but she always brought in family to help them, give them education to change their lives," Scott noted.

According to him, it's the same thing his mother was doing for Charloe Musu when this unfortunate situation happened.

"Charloe was murdered, and the murderer is out there, and nobody is saying nothing. We have people that we trusted in our system, in our government they are letting us down."

"I love Liberia. What is this? Politics. Find the murderers. What are we doing? We went through this whole thing and nothing good," he stated.

He accused local broadcaster Freedom FM of being the voice of the police charges against his mother.

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