Liberia: LACC Nominees' Confirmation On Hold

Senate President Pro-tempore Albert Chie has seized a motion for the confirmation consideration of nominees of the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC) due to legal, procedural, and political natures.

On Tuesday, 20 June 2023, President George Manneh Weah sent an official communication to the Senate submitting the names of nominees of the LACC to be confirmed. The communication was read and put on the floor for further legislative actions.

The nominees are Cllr. Alexandra Kormah Zoe, Chairperson, Mr. Ernest R. Hughes, Vice Chairperson, and Mr. Randolph E. Tebbs, Commissioner, Monitoring and Investigation.

Others include Miatta Jeh, Commissioner, Monitoring and Investigation, Atty. Samuel F Dakana, Commissioner, Monitoring and Investigation, Cllr. Oretha Snyder Davis, Commissioner, Prosecution, and Cllr. David A.B. Wilson.

After reading the communication, several senators, many of whom are from the opposition bloc, stressed that the Senate has the confirmation power, despite the President's constitutional right to appoint.

Meanwhile, Senators Abraham Dillon, James Biney, Jonathan Kaipay, and Conmany Wesseh among others, raised concerns about the timing of President Weah's decision.

They noted that it was not politically prudent to confirm nominees at tenure positions when the country is just four months away from the October 10, 2023, presidential and legislative elections.

However, some senators of the ruling party including Numene Bartekwa, Augustine Chea, Simeon Taylor, and Gbleh-bo Brown said it was more convenient for the Pro-tempore to continue the confirmation proceedings of the nominees.

The senators said once the Senate enacted a new law creating the current Commission, it gives rise to the nomination of the new Commissioners of the LACC.

Following the heated debate on the floor, Pro-tempore Chie said the agenda item is expected to be re-introduced by next Tuesday.

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