Nigeria: Hajj - NAHCON to Operate 18 Clinics in Muna, Arafat

As the 2023 Hajj rituals approach the high points that require participating pilgrims to be in their best physical condition under the hot weather of the Holy Land, the National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON) said it has concluded planes to operate 18 clinics in Mashaa'ir (religious sites) areas of Muna, Arafat and Muzdalifah to meet the health need of the Nigerian pilgrims.

The head of NAHCON medical team, Dr Usman Galadima, disclosed this to newsmen during an inspection of facilities at the religious sites, saying the clinics will be set up in collaboration with the Saudi Arabia's Muassasah committee on health.

Pilgrims from across the world including Nigerians already in Saudi Arabia for spiritual exercise will start moving to Muna on Sunday in readiness for five days of rigorous exercises such as being at the plain of 'Arafāt, Muzdalifah and the symbolic stoning of evil.

But Galadima is confident that the NAHCON's medical team made up of 200 doctors, 200 nurses and other supporting staff are battle ready to meet the health needs of Nigerian pilgrims during and after rigorous religious exercise.

He said the Muassasah committee on health will support the Nigerian team with equipment and 60 medical personnel to meet up the challenge.

"We intend to operate 18 clinics in Muna and Arafat. We have made all the arrangements in collaboration with the Muassasah committee on health. The collaboration is such that they would provide us the designated spaces for the clinics in each of the tents and partially equip it as well. So, we are on top of the game. We pray and hope that we will have successful medical operations here in Muna.

"This year we have about 95, 000 pilgrims from Nigeria and the total number of medical staff are about 534 with over 200 doctors and 200 nurses as well. So, we prepared and the Muassasah committee is also providing 60 medical personnel and that partnership would ensure the success of medical operations," Galadima said.

He however appealed to the pilgrims to take precaution by avoiding unnecessary movement in the sun.

"The temperature of Muna, Makkah and its surrounding, sometimes gets up to 48°C. So, we advise pilgrims to remain in their tent as much as possible and not move around during the day because with that they lose a lot of fluid and get dehydrated.

"They should remain in their tent and perform their ibaada and if they must move around, especially for the ladies, they should wear light and not dark cloth that absorbs heat and increases body temperature. They should also take a lot of water; we advocate three to four litres of water in a day."

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