Liberia: Weah's Support Swells

Support for President George Weah's bid for 2nd term continues to swell here with more and more citizens endorsing the President and his ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC).

The headquarters of the ruling Coalition has become a place of attraction, as several prominent individuals declare their membership and support for the Weah-Taylor Ticket.

Recently, 56 ruling party lawmakers from both the House of Representatives and the Senate re-affirmed their support for Mr. Weah just three months to elections in October.

The latest to join the CDC is Montserrado County District#6 representative hopeful Samuel Jacobs and supporters, who say they have come over to continue pushing the CDC developmental agenda.

The secretary general of the CDC youth league, Hassan Newland, describes Mr. Jacobs as an asset rather than a liability.

He says Mr. Jacobs' joining ranks with the CDC, ahead of October polls clearly suggests that President Weah is poised for reelection.

Speaking at the CDC headquarters, the new convert said if people will consider their history where they suffered than nobody will question his decision to join the CDC.

"Today, I'm happy joining the CDC in the midst of the President and everyone; I want to support the developmental agenda of this party", Mr. Jacobs explains.

According to him, when people are not questioned about their past than there's no need for history, saying "We have come today to rebrand the initiative of President Weah, ahead of this pending election."

"I'm not going to argue about the last year's Unity Party. Today, we are mistaken the first Unity Party of former President Sirleaf to this Unity Party of former Vice President Joseph N. Boakai", he notes.

"Today is just a message. I have come to join the boat that believes in the vast majority of the people, the boat that believes that there should be no WASSCE fees, and the boat that certainly believes that there should be no tuition at public universities; this is why we have decided to join this boat."

He then provided 50 bags of rice to the CDC women league; two laptops to the youth and women leagues, and 100,000 Liberian Dollars to supporters of the party.

Jacobs vows to campaign for the reelection of President Weah, saying "from today moving forward, I will begin to preach the good messages of President Weah in Electoral District Six."

CDC Youth League Chair and Assistant Youth and Sports Minister, Emmanuel M. Johnson, says the Coalition is grateful to receive a brother, an intellectual and someone, who he notes, will shift the paradigm of the country.

According to Mr. Johnson, each day that passes by, the CDC sees victory in sight, saying this victory has become touchable unless people who don't have the eyes to see.

"Today we are honored that the excellent leadership that President Weah has displayed got us to be attracted to prominent individuals."

He says the CDC is on an irreversible path to victory, adding that the party over the years has been seen as a beacon of hope for the vast majority of the downtrodden masses.

"When you're in the CDC, you are being regarded as foolish, dull and something else, but when you are out then you are smart, clever and decent", he adds.

CDC secretary general and Monrovia City Mayor, Jefferson Koijee, describes Samuel Jacobs as someone with impeccable character that brings wealth of growth and experience to the party.

Koijee explains that Mr. Jacobs has impacted the lives of many citizens, not necessarily partisans and supporters of CDC.

"This young [man] isn't here parading to be the change maker or wanting to rescue our people as it has been done by the opposition.

We have liberated ourselves and we are prepared to work for our freedom; these people got zero solutions; they are angry because they didn't complete their mission, but never will the people give them another opportunity", Koijee spews jive, apparently to the opposition UP.

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